Art and Design
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Art and Design - 03.08.2021
Cave paintings in Spain originate from Neanderthals
Studies of pigments from wall paintings in Cueva Ardales, a cave in southern Spain, have confirmed the assumption that they originated from Neanderthals / Publication in PNAS The dating of paintings in three caves in Spain supports the view that Neanderthals practiced cave art in the form of colored markings more than 20,000 years before the arrival of anatomically modern humans in Europe.
Art and Design - Life Sciences - 05.07.2021

Discovery from Unicorn Cave in Lower Saxony sheds new light on ancestors' cognitive abilities Since the discovery of the first fossil remains in the 19 th century, the image of the Neanderthal has been one of a primitive hominin. People have known for a long time that Neanderthals were able to effectively fashion tools and weapons.
Art and Design - Economics - 02.05.2018
Provenance Research: Online Portal on Rudolf Mosse Collection / Acquisitions for Staatliche Museen zu Berlin from the collection
In a database released today, the MARI online portal, research findings are collected and made accessible for researchers, museums, and the public. No 086/2018 from May 02, 2018 The estate of German publisher, arts patron, and philanthropist Rudolf Mosse (1843-1920) included thousands of paintings, sculptures, craft objects, books, and antiques.
Art and Design - Mechanical Engineering - 24.01.2018

Research news The almost complete silence of the motors used in electric cars may pose a hazard to inattentive pedestrians. As a result, starting in summer 2019 all new electric and hybrid vehicles will have to be equipped with an acoustic warning system. Psychoacousticians at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are developing the corresponding sounds.
Art and Design - 08.11.2016

Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin, City College of New York, and Macquarie Universität in Sydney Present New Findings ' 386/2016 from Nov 08, 2016 A new study indicates that the songs of some birds follow the same rules as human music. The study was done by scientists from Freie Universität Berlin, the City College of New York, and Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.