


Results 21 - 24 of 24.

Sport - Environment - 06.11.2017
A scientific view on football turf
A scientific view on football turf
What are the effects of LED lighting and the climate on different types of sports turf? At the greenhouse laboratory center Dürnast, this question is addressed by TUM researchers. Their findings serve as a basis for the development of new lighting systems for professional football. If, in the Bundesliga, a football match doesn't go too well, it is common to blame the lawn: "Der Rasen ist schuld!" - which shows how much importance the professionals attach to the turf.

Sport - 03.04.2017
Study on Emergency Operations: Success Depends on Reliable Networks among Agencies
Press release issued jointly by Freie Universität Berlin and TU Kaiserslautern ' 067/2017 from Apr 03, 2017 Numerous slip-ups in connection with the investigation against the terrorist attacker Anis Amri are just one indication that cooperation between authorities is not always smooth. In spite of many findings by federal and state authorities in Germany, Amri was able to move around freely in the country.

Economics - Sport - 08.09.2016
UEFA rules benefit rich soccer clubs
Research news The inequality within European soccer leagues has been further reinforced by the introduction of the 'UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations'. Therefore, these financial regulations of the European soccer association miss a central objective. One reason: The barriers to new investors do not create more competition, but rather a disadvantage for smaller clubs.

Economics - Sport - 08.09.2016
UEFA regulations benefit rich soccer clubs
UEFA regulations benefit rich soccer clubs
Research news The inequality within European soccer leagues has been further reinforced by the introduction of the 'UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations'. Therefore, these financial regulations of the European soccer association miss a central objective. One reason: The barriers to new investors do not create more competition, but rather a disadvantage for smaller clubs.