Results 1 - 9 of 9.
Media - 26.03.2024
Do food and drink preferences influence migration flows?
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research used Facebook data to investigate the influence of cultural similarities on migration flows and found that cultural proximity plays as important a role in the choice of destination country as shared language and history. When people migrate, many factors play a role in their choice of destination: How well do you speak the new country's language?
Social Sciences - Media - 20.07.2023

Social media play an important role in users' perception of the ideal body - often leading them in an unhealthy direction. Researchers at the University of Würzburg have investigated how this can be counteracted . How can social media contribute to a more diverse concept of body shapes and physical attractiveness? The answer is: body-positive content.
Media - Politics - 07.06.2023

Researchers used Linkedin data to track where professionals want to move within the EU For professionals looking for a new job, Eastern European countries have not been very attractive so far. That's the finding of a study by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, together with a Dutch colleague.
Politics - Media - 08.02.2023

Study reveals how people resolve dilemmas in online content moderation Online content moderation is a moral minefield, especially when freedom of expression clashes with preventing harm caused by misinformation. A study by a team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, University of Exeter, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and University of Bristol examined how the public would deal with such moral dilemmas.
Politics - Media - 16.01.2023

Study on the 2016 US presidential election Russian Twitter campaigns during the 2016 US presidential race primarily reached a small subset of users, most of whom were highly partisan Republicans, shows a new study. In addition, the international research team found that despite Russia's influence operations on the platform, there were no measurable changes in attitudes or voting behavior among those exposed to this foreign influence campaign.
Health - Media - 15.11.2017
Risk from Antibiotic Resistance Continues to Be High
Worldwide survey of antibiotics researchers indicates uncertainty about number of deaths - New survey tool helps gather global expert opinions on existential issues No 316/2017 from Nov 15, 2017 Researchers say that it is difficult to quantify the true extent of the threat of antibiotic resistance for humanity.
Media - Computer Science - 03.02.2017

In spite of its limitations, automated journalism will expand. According to media researchers, this development underlines the need for critical, contextualised journalism. Journalists and editors believe 'robo-journalists' do not have a good nose for news and produce one-dimensional stories, according to new research published today.
Media - Health - 26.08.2016

Atherosclerosis - commonly known as "hardening of the arteries" - occurs when deposits on the inner walls of vessels lead to chronic inflammation and narrowing of the vessels. That can restrict blood flow or block it entirely, ultimately triggering a cardiac infarction or a stroke. Treatment strategies up to now focus primarily on inhibiting the inflammation reaction.
Media - Computer Science - 05.03.2016
What readers think about computer-generated texts
An experimental study carried out by LMU media researchers has found that readers rate texts generated by algorithms more credible than texts written by real journalists. Readers like to read texts generated by computers, especially when they are unaware that what they are reading was assembled on the basis of an algorithm.