Results 1 - 4 of 4.
Social Sciences - Law - 15.09.2023
Report on Violence Against Human Rights Defenders in Brazil
Study with contributions from sociologist and jurist Maria Eugenia Trombini reveals extent A study on violence against human rights defenders in Brazil reveals more than 1,000 cases occurred between 2019 to 2022. The report was compiled by the Brazilian human rights organisations "Terra de Direitos" and "Justiça Global".
Social Sciences - Law - 28.09.2020
Understanding What Holds Societies Together
Berlin University Alliance funds six groundbreaking projects in the Social Cohesion funding line of its Grand Challenge Initiatives No 170/2020 from Sep 28, 2020 Social cohesion is a global challenge. Understanding social transformations is a key to successful coexistence in a complex, heterogeneous world.
Administration - Law - 15.01.2018

Research news The volume of digital data produced and stored by companies is growing. Cloud technology offers a convenient solution: IT service providers offer storage space or software which enables data to be saved remotely. But how can companies be sure that their data is protected against unauthorized access or deletion? Researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have studied this issue and developed a model which allows service providers to be checked and certified reliably.
Physics - Law - 01.06.2017

Research news In the quantum world, our intuition for moving objects is strongly challenged and may sometimes even completely fail. An international team of physicists of the Universities of Innsbruck, Paris-Sud and Harvard as well as the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has found a quantum particle which shows an intriguing oscillatory back-and-forth motion in a one-dimensional atomic gas instead of moving uniformly.