Results 1 - 12 of 12.
Campus - 13.01.2025

Study examines the link between human development and fertility in the United States Birth rates are declining in developed countries around the world, a trend often linked with economic and human progress. A study led by Henrik-Alexander Schubert of the MPIDR reveals that fertility rates can actually increase at high levels of human development, a pattern known as the "J-shape." However, this relationship appears to have shifted after 2010, possibly influenced by the 2007/08 economic recession and changing societal values.
Campus - 20.09.2024

New study shows that women overcontribute to scientific publications in the field of ecology Women working in the field of ecology contribute overproportionately to research output, as shown by a recent study that reveals facets of gender bias in the context of scientific publications that have received little attention until now.
Campus - 23.05.2024

In a behavioral experiment crows can learn to produce a set number of calls. This involves them planning in advance: from the sound of the first call in a numerical sequence it is possible to predict how many calls the crows will make. A research team consisting of Dr. Diana A. Liao, Dr. Katharina F. Brecht and assistant professor Lena Veit led by Professor Andreas Nieder from the Institute of Neurobiology at the University of Tübingen has established this.
Campus - 30.11.2023
High school students’ academic development linked to achievement emotions over time
School students experience a wide range of achievement emotions during the years they spend attending school. Some of those emotions, such as joy and pride, are positive. Yet students also experience boredom and anger when they find achievement activities too difficult or too easy. These differing emotions are important for adolescents' development trajectories.
Campus - Religions - 11.05.2023

University of Bonn and katho to introduce mutual recognition of study achievements The Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn and the Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine-Westphalia (katho) are to offer their students a new study option. In the future, students on the Magister Theologiae degree program at the University of Bonn will be able to combine it with a bachelor's in Social Work at katho, ideally on its Cologne campus, making it easier for them to obtain two degrees at the same time.
History / Archeology - Campus - 21.12.2022
Gender equality is good for economic growth
Over 500 years, the economy developed better in parts of Europe where women married in their 20s instead of their teens, according to a study by economic historians Alexandra de Pleijt from Wa-geningen University in the Netherlands and Jörg Baten from the University of. Their study has been published in the journal World Development .
Campus - 12.10.2022

Campus - 12.10.2022
New Study on Affirmative Action Policies for Leadership Positions
The German population expresses support for recruitment practices that favor women and people from non-academic households The debate surrounding affirmative action policies to counteract inequality against underrepresented groups continues to raise questions about the use of quotas when it comes to hiring people to leadership positions or public offices.
Mathematics - Campus - 04.05.2022
Algorithm predicts which students will drop out of Math courses
In the subjects of science and technology, engineering and mathematics - known collectively as STEM subjects - up to 40 percent of students drop out of their studies in the entry phase. A research team from the University of Tübingen's Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences has now developed a statistical method that can be used to predict on average eight weeks in advance whether students will terminate their studies.
Physics - Campus - 11.09.2020

The overarching goal of the new Research Training Group "Towards Graduate Experts in Photonic Quantum Technologies" at the University of Stuttgart, which the German Research Foundation (DFG) approved for funding at its meeting on 6 November 2020, is to utilize the great potential of quantum physics for marketable applications.
Astronomy / Space - Campus - 28.04.2020

International research team verifies the validity of the "No Hair" theorem by actual observations Light With the help of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, an international team of researchers has confirmed that the cosmic object OJ 287 is a distant galaxy with a binary system of two supermassive black holes in its centre, which are orbiting each other.
Campus - Social Sciences - 12.03.2019

Psychologists study the effects of mobility on young adults A new job, an academic career or a romantic relationship - there are many reasons for young people to move. But this does not necessarily lead to happiness. Satisfaction increases when people can identify with the region in which they live.