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Results 1 - 20 of 267.
Environment - Life Sciences - 07.02.2025

What measures are suitable for providing better living conditions for insects in typical Franconian landscapes? This question was investigated by a research team from the University of Würzburg. The results are now available. Biodiversity is under threat worldwide.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 07.02.2025

Bonn researchers clarify how energy regulates the spatial arrangement and quantity of molecules in nerve cells Nerve cells have amazing strategies to save energy and still perform the most important of their tasks. Researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn as well as the University Medical Center Göttingen found that the neuronal energy conservation program determines the location and number of messenger RNA (mRNA) and proteins, and differs depending on the length, longevity and other properties of the respective molecule.
Psychology - History / Archeology - 06.02.2025

In Germany, there were different socialisations and sensitivities on both sides of the Berlin Wall and the inner-German border, which continue to have an impact to this day. A recent international study involving scientists from the University of Jena now shows how strongly even a spatial separation that dates back almost two thousand years can shape psychology in the present day: The Limes forms another "psychological border" that divides Germany.
Life Sciences - 06.02.2025

New insights into neural waves could revolutionize the development of energy-efficient AI systems Researchers at the Ernst Strüngmann Institute in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, led by Wolf Singer, have made a groundbreaking discovery in understanding fundamental brain processes. For the first time, the team has provided compelling evidence that the brain-s characteristic rhythmic patterns play a crucial role in information processing.
Health - Pharmacology - 06.02.2025

A large proportion of the approximately six million patients in Germany suffering from type 2 diabetes are overweight. The effect of insulin is impaired in these patients. The cause of this insulin resistance has been sought primarily in metabolically active organs for a long time. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim have now shown that the effects of insulin on the innermost cell layer of blood vessels, the endothelium, are of great importance for insulin resistance in fat tissue and muscle.
Politics - 05.02.2025
Educated but easily fooled? Who falls for misinformation and why
Systematic meta-analysis on online misinformation with data from over 11,500 participants in 31 experiments Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development have identified who is most susceptible to online misinformation and why. Their meta-analysis reveals surprising patterns on how demographic and psychological factors-including age, education, political identity, analytical thinking, and motivated reflection-affect people-s ability to assess the accuracy of information.
Physics - Chemistry - 05.02.2025

Japanese-German research team synthesises thiophene-fused nanobelts / Analysis reveals structure and behaviour of the molecules In the search for useful materials, it is worth taking a closer look at the smallest structures: materials in the nanoscale sometimes have unique properties, for example in terms of electrical conductivity.
Life Sciences - Health - 05.02.2025

How does the body regulate the activity of insulin-producing cells in order to react quickly to changing conditions? Researchers at the University of Würzburg have investigated this question. The hormone insulin plays a central role in the metabolism of many living organisms. When food is plentiful, insulin promotes the absorption and storage of energy.
Health - Life Sciences - 04.02.2025

Scientists from DZNE, University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn provide new evidence that preventing brain inflammation is a promising approach for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Their findings, based on studies in cell culture, mice and tissue samples from patients, may contribute to the development of more effective therapies.
Life Sciences - Social Sciences - 04.02.2025

Human influence has led to loss of chimpanzee culture and calls for conservation strategies to include preserving cultural distinctiveness A new study, conducted on wild chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes verus ) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, provides evidence that the gestures used by male chimpanzees from four neighbouring communities during copulation requests may reflect different dialects.
Health - Life Sciences - 04.02.2025

An enzyme called Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 5 is a key factor in protein quality in heart muscle cells A disrupted protein degradation process in heart muscle cells can lead to a range of severe heart diseases.
Health - 03.02.2025

The stillbirth rate in Europe has been steadily improving over the last few decades, but there are some exceptions. In Germany and Belgium, rates have significantly increased since 2010, while other European countries have seen declines or stability. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) have investigated how factors like increasing maternal age and multiple births may have influenced these trends and differences across Europe.
Environment - 30.01.2025

International research team shows benefits of cacao grafting for farmers and nature alike The productivity of cacao trees decreases with time, forcing farmers to renew their plantations by either cutting down the old trees or establishing a new crop elsewhere. Frequently, new plantations are established in areas of the forest that are thinned out to accommodate new, young cacao trees.
Environment - Earth Sciences - 29.01.2025

A new study with the involvement of multiple researchers from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and the University of Jena found that biodiversity has changed faster in locations where warming or cooling was faster. Published in the journal "Nature", the study focused on how the composition of species in an ecosystem - rather than the number of species - has shifted over time.
Physics - Chemistry - 29.01.2025

Physicists analyse glass formation for photonic switches At the Institute of Materials Physics at the University of Münster, researchers investigate materials that can transform their internal structure very rapidly, thereby significantly changing their optical properties. This behaviour is useful, for example, when processing information using photonic waveguides.
Physics - 29.01.2025

International research team led by Göttingen University develops new method for ultrafast imaging of dark excitons How can the latest technology, such as solar cells, be improved? An international research team led by the University of Göttingen is helping to find answers to questions like this with a new technique.
Earth Sciences - 28.01.2025

Research team investigates influence of Zagros Mountains on bending Earth's surface An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has investigated the influence of the forces exerted by the Zagros Mountains in the Kurdistan region of Iraq on how much the surface of the Earth has bent over the last 20 million years.
Health - Life Sciences - 28.01.2025

Adhesion GPCRs are a group of cell surface sensors that are associated with many bodily functions and diseases. However, they have not yet been sufficiently investigated in order to use them for therapies. The Collaborative Research Center 1423 at Leipzig University aims to change this. Scientists from the Faculty of Medicine have now developed an innovative numbering system for the GAIN domain, a protein domain that is common to all adhesion GPCRs.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 27.01.2025

Based on their observations, the biologists proposed a model detailing the mechanisms of systemic immune signalling in plants: Triggered by a pathogen, initially a third kinase inside the infected cell triggers the generation of extracellular reactive oxygen species in the cell, which would then diffuse to the surface of neighbouring cells.
Life Sciences - 24.01.2025

New study published in "Science" shows that a single gene determines the mating behavior of male ruffs In the animal kingdom, testosterone is a necessary hormone for reproduction, and high levels of it are often associated with male dominance and aggression. However, in ruffs - a shore bird that breeds across Europe and Asia - a single gene turns aggressive males into peaceful ones.