Tracking Molecules at Turbo Speed

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University of Bonn researchers devise method to speed up observations of high-throughput microbiological process

Koen Martens - from the Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology at the Univ
Koen Martens - from the Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology at the University of Bonn working at the custom-built super-resolution fluorescence microscope that he uses for his investigations. © Volker Lannert/University of Bonn all images in original size .
Being able to observe micro-organisms and their cellular components is key to understanding fundamental processes that go on inside cells-and thus potentially developing new medical treatments. Microbiologists and biophysicists from the University of Bonn have now developed a method that makes the high-throughput process for observing molecules five times faster, enabling insights to be gained into hitherto unknown cellular functions. The results were published in Nature Methods.

If our skin spends too long exposed to UV rays, e.g. from the sun, it can cause mutations in our DNA, which can potentially lead to cancer. ...
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