Precise measurements of the heaviest atoms

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The gas-jet interaction chamber used for the measurements at the ESR of GSI/FAIR
The gas-jet interaction chamber used for the measurements at the ESR of GSI/FAIR. Image: J. Hosan, GSI/FAIR

An international research team has successfully conducted ultra-precise X-ray spectroscopic measurements of helium-like uranium. The team, which includes researchers from Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Helmholtz Institute Jena, has published results demonstrating their success in disentangling and separately testing one-electron two-loop and two-electron quantum electrodynamic effects for extremely strong Coulomb fields of the heaviest nuclei for the first time. The researchers have now published their results in the specialist journal "Nature". 

Millions of passes per second in the linear accelerator

The published paper detailed basic research into the age-old question of what holds our world together at the innermost level. ...

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