Possible alternative to antibiotics produced by bacteria

Antibacterial substance from staphylococci discovered with new mechanism of action against natural competitors

Corynebacteria under the microscope: - The green-labeled epilancin A37 accumulat
Corynebacteria under the microscope: - The green-labeled epilancin A37 accumulates in the blue-stained bacterial cell. © Picture: UKB/Jan-Samuel Puls all’images in original size .
Many bacteria produce substances to gain an advantage over competitors in their highly competitive natural environment. Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), the University of Bonn and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have discovered a new so-called lantibiotic, namely epilancin A37. It is produced by staphylococci that colonize the skin and acts specifically against their main competitors there, the corynebacteria. This specificity is presumably mediated by a very special mechanism of action, which the researchers were able to decipher in detail. ...
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