news 2024



Results 21 - 31 of 31.

History / Archeology - 27.05.2024
Stress in Childhood: differences between Neanderthals and modern humans in the Paleolithic Age
Stress in Childhood: differences between Neanderthals and modern humans in the Paleolithic Age
Although the children of Neanderthals, who lived until around 40,000 years ago, and those of modern humans of the Upper Paleolithic Age 50,000 to 12,000 years ago were probably subjected to comparable stresses, systemic stress peaked at different stages of development. Research into their teeth has revealed that enamel growth reflects stress phases caused by issues such as disease and malnutrition during the early years of life.

History / Archeology - 03.04.2024
Finds at Schöningen show wood was crucial raw material 300,000 years ago
Finds at Schöningen show wood was crucial raw material 300,000 years ago
Research team discovers sophisticated processing of archaeological wood During archaeological excavations in the Schöningen open-cast coal mine in 1994, the discovery of the oldest, remarkably well-preserved hunting weapons known to humanity caused an international sensation. Spears and a double-pointed throwing stick were found lying between animal bones about ten meters below the surface in deposits at a former lakeshore.

History / Archeology - Life Sciences - 02.04.2024
When Did the Chicken Cross the Road? New Evidence from Central Asia
When Did the Chicken Cross the Road? New Evidence from Central Asia
New research reveals that chickens were widely raised across southern Central Asia from 400 BCE through medieval periods and likely dispersed along the ancient Silk Road In a new study published by Nature Communications , an international team of scholars present the earliest clear archaeological and biomolecular evidence for the raising of chickens for egg production, based on material from 12 archaeological sites spanning one and a half millennia.

Earth Sciences - History / Archeology - 25.03.2024
Scientific Drilling Unravels Historical Mystery Surrounding Santorini
Scientific Drilling Unravels Historical Mystery Surrounding Santorini
Santorini is one of the best-studied volcanic archipelagos in the world. An international drilling expedition has now for the first time used a scientific drill ship to explore and investigate the seafloor around the Greek volcanic island. The researchers have uncovered evidence of an underwater eruption in 726 CE, previously known only from historical records.

History / Archeology - Religions - 07.03.2024
Rabana-Merquly: Was the Mountain Fortress also a Parthian-Era Sanctuary?
Rabana-Merquly: Was the Mountain Fortress also a Parthian-Era Sanctuary?
Archaeological excavations in Iraqi Kurdistan point to a place of worship for the water goddess Anahita Besides being a fortress for military use, the ancient mountain settlement of Rabana-Merquly in

History / Archeology - 21.02.2024
Earliest evidence of a complex adhesive in Europe
Earliest evidence of a complex adhesive in Europe
More than 40,000 years ago, early people in what is now France used a multi-component adhesive to make handles for stone tools. They produced a sophisticated mixture of ochre and bitumen, two raw materials that had to be procured from the wider region. This is the earliest discovery of a multi-component adhesive in Europe to date.

History / Archeology - 08.02.2024
Painkiller or Pleasure?
Painkiller or Pleasure?
A team of archaeologists led by Dr. Maaike Groot from Freie Universität Berlin has provided the first firm evidence that the Romans deliberately collected and used the poisonous seeds of the black henbane plant. The team analyzed seeds found in a hollowed bone discovered at the Roman-period settlement of Houten-Castellum in the Netherlands and compared them to other archaeological occurrences of the plant.

History / Archeology - Life Sciences - 31.01.2024
Homo sapiens already reached northwest Europe more than 45,000 years ago
Homo sapiens already reached northwest Europe more than 45,000 years ago
The arrival of Homo sapiens in cold northern latitudes took place several thousand years before Neanderthals disappeared in southwest Europe An international research team reports the discovery of Homo sapiens fossils from the cave site Ilsenhöhle in Ranis, Germany. Directly dated to approximately 45,000 years ago, these fossils are associated with elongated stone points partly shaped on both sides (known as partial bifacial blade points), which are characteristic of the Lincombian-Ranisian-Jerzmanowician (LRJ).

History / Archeology - Research Management - 26.01.2024
Researchers find previously unknown Nazi deportation photos in Dresden
Researchers find previously unknown Nazi deportation photos in Dresden
Unique photos from Wroclaw were taken secretly and at great risk by a persecuted Jew The international research network "#LastSeen. Images of Nazi Deportations" presents previously unknown photos of persecuted Jews during the Nazi era. The original photos, in which Breslau residents can be seen shortly before deportation, were recently found in the archives of the Saxon Association of Jewish Communities in Dresden and jointly researched.

Physics - History / Archeology - 25.01.2024
Using the World's First Mobile Computer Tomography Device to Decipher Hidden Texts
Using the World’s First Mobile Computer Tomography Device to Decipher Hidden Texts
Researchers in the Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts at Universität Hamburg and the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) have developed the world's only transportable computer tomography device. Using this device, we can now read 4,000 year old cuneiform texts from Mesopotamia for the first time.

Environment - History / Archeology - 17.01.2024
Stalagmites as Climate Archive
Researchers from Heidelberg and Karlsruhe use stalagmite to reconstruct regional and global climate history When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations across hundreds of years, a research team including geoscientists from Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have demonstrated.