Glimpse into the nanoworld: microscope reveals tiniest cell processes

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Representation of the highly sensitive detector that is part of the newly develo
Representation of the highly sensitive detector that is part of the newly developed fluorescence microscope. It consists of 23 individual detectors, enabling the resolution to be doubled. Photo: Alexey Chizhik, Göttingen University

Research team including Göttingen University develops high-resolution fluorescence microscope

What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Oxford, in collaboration with the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometres (five billionths of a metre). This is roughly equivalent to the width of a hair split into 10,000 strands. Their new method was published in Nature Photonics.

Many structures in cells are so small that standard microscopes can only produce fragmented images. ...
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