A new socio-ecological class conflict?

Farmers protest against government policy. Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena
Farmers protest against government policy. Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

The climate crisis, farmers’ protests, the rise of right-wing parties, ongoing disputes in government, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East: the crisis is becoming a permanent feature of politics and society. In view of the enormous challenges, does a socio-ecological transformation even stand a chance? The BMBF junior research group "Mentalities in flux" (flumen) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena investigated this question.

The researchers at the Institute of Sociology surveyed 4,000 people across Germany to find out their views, attitudes and feelings regarding socio-ecological change. The results show that opinions differ, in some cases strikingly, on the question of whether, how quickly and in what form a socio-ecological transformation is necessary. ...

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