A frustrated jet in the centre of the Milky Way

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Magnetic fields spiral around the mass monster Sagittarius A* and form up for a restart

The first image of the black hole Sagittarius A* in the center of the Milky Way,
The first image of the black hole Sagittarius A* in the center of the Milky Way, taken with the Event Horizon Telescope at a wavelength of 1.3 millimetres (colored image in the background). The lines correspond to the direction of polarization of the radio light, which indicates a magnetic field that is spiraling out of the image plane and that is perpendicular to the direction of polarization. © The EHT Collaboration
The Event Horizon Telescope, a network of individual radio telescopes located all’over the world, has once again observed the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Using the polarised part of the radio light, the researchers discovered strong magnetic fields that spiral out from the edge of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. ...
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