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Results 61 - 80 of 453.

Earth Sciences - 08.08.2024
New ways to adapt to extreme heat in the city
As summer temperatures rise, the health risks caused by heat increase. This particularly affects urban areas and cities such as Heidelberg with a high building density and limited green spaces. The heat island effect, which describes the higher temperatures in inner-city areas compared to the surrounding area, leads to an increase in heat-related illnesses, especially among vulnerable population groups such as the elderly, children and people with pre-existing conditions.

Life Sciences - Health - 08.08.2024
Successful Fasting Requires Spermidine
Successful Fasting Requires Spermidine
The protective effects of fasting depend on an increase in the concentration of spermidine, according to an international study involving a team led by Professor Stephan Sigrist from Freie Universität Berlin According to the findings of an international study, fasting can extend people's lifespan and increase overall health.

Life Sciences - Paleontology - 07.08.2024
Early Mammals Lived Longer
Early Mammals Lived Longer
University of Bonn researchers are studying the lifespan and growth patterns of early mammals What distinguishes the growth and development patterns of early mammals of the Jurassic period? This is the question jointly investigated by researchers of Queen Mary University of London and the University of Bonn.

Earth Sciences - Environment - 05.08.2024
New Insights Into the Formation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
New Insights Into the Formation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Geological studies of a drill core combined with computer models show that large ice sheets first formed only in East Antarctica The glaciation of the Antarctic began approximately 34 million years ago, but the initial phase of glaciation did not encompass the entire continent - as previously assumed.

Health - Life Sciences - 05.08.2024
Study sheds new light on how our immune system works
Study sheds new light on how our immune system works
Mast cells trap and use living neutrophils during allergic reactions Known for their role in allergic reactions, mast cells have long been recognised as key players in our immune system. When they encounter allergens, they release chemicals that trigger typical allergy symptoms such as tissue swelling and inflammation.

Physics - 02.08.2024
Glimpse into the nanoworld: microscope reveals tiniest cell processes
Glimpse into the nanoworld: microscope reveals tiniest cell processes
Research team including Göttingen University develops high-resolution fluorescence microscope What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Oxford, in collaboration with the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometres (five billionths of a metre).

Life Sciences - Computer Science - 02.08.2024
Storing Memories Without Destroying Previous Ones
Storing Memories Without Destroying Previous Ones
The brain is constantly storing new experiences that it has to integrate into the jumble of existing memories. Surprisingly, it does not overwrite previous memory traces in the process. The first day of school: entering the classroom for the first time, the excited feeling in your stomach and the joy of having a school bag - these are all typical examples of memories from our episodic memory.

Astronomy / Space - 02.08.2024
Key to rapid planet formation
Key to rapid planet formation
In young planetary systems, gas giants form more efficiently and faster than previously assumed as shown by new computer simulations. Ring-shaped perturbations in disks of gas and dust orbiting young stars can trigger the formation of several gas giants, as researchers from the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Göttingen report in the current issue of the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Health - Life Sciences - 02.08.2024
Allergy cells' hidden secret
Allergy cells’ hidden secret
Known for their role in allergic reactions, mast cells have long been recognised as key players in our immune system. When they encounter allergens, they release chemicals that trigger typical allergy symptoms such as tissue swelling and inflammation. Now, researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg and the University of Münster have discovered a hidden talent of mast cells: they can capture and use another type of immune cell called neutrophils.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 01.08.2024
Ribbeck meteorite from the Havelland is 4.5 billion years old
Ribbeck meteorite from the Havelland is 4.5 billion years old
Researchers from the University of Münster analysed 202 fragments At the beginning of this year, on 21 January, a huge fireball was visible over the German state of Brandenburg. It was the result of a small celestial body entering the Earth's atmosphere, bursting and falling to the ground in numerous fragments near Ribbeck in the Havelland.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 01.08.2024
New perspectives for using corals in climate research
New perspectives for using corals in climate research
Research team led by Göttingen University expands the applications of oxygen isotope measurements   Measuring temperatures from Earth's past is important for understanding the development of its climate. Ancient ocean temperatures are most commonly reconstructed by analysing the ratio of different oxygen atoms in the calcium carbonate remains of fossils.

Physics - 31.07.2024
'Laser view' into the avocado: New method reveals cell interior
’Laser view’ into the avocado: New method reveals cell interior
Research team at the University of Göttingen develops method for recognizing cell properties Can you tell whether an avocado is hard or soft by looking at it? You would have to recognize how the plant cells behave behind the skin. The same applies to all other cells on our planet: Despite more than 100 years of intensive research, many of their properties remain hidden inside the cell.

Life Sciences - Health - 31.07.2024
Tiny tubes in the brain
Tiny tubes in the brain
Immune cells in the brain form bridges to nerve cells and protect against neurodegenerative diseases When nerve cells in the brain die, diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's develop. To protect these cells, there are immune cells in the brain known as microglia. A study has now shown that microglia form tiny tubes, so-called -tunnelling nanotubes-, and thus connect directly to the nerve cells.

Health - Life Sciences - 31.07.2024
Keeping skin healthy: New method provides molecular portrait of sebum production
Keeping skin healthy: New method provides molecular portrait of sebum production
In a collaborative project between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (IZBI) at Leipzig University, changes in gene expression in sebaceous glands have been spatially mapped for the first time. The study documents at high resolution changes in gene expression in the course of sebum synthesis and identifies new candidates for the modulation of sebum production.

Physics - 31.07.2024
'Laser view' into the avocado: new method reveals cell interior
’Laser view’ into the avocado: new method reveals cell interior
Research team at the University of Göttingen develops method for recognizing cell properties   Checking whether an avocado is hard or soft by looking at it? This would require recognizing how the plant cells behave behind the skin. The same applies to all'other cells on our planet: Despite more than 100 years of intensive research, many of their properties remain hidden inside the cell.

History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 30.07.2024
Natural born consumers
Natural born consumers
Researchers including Göttingen University show that modern behaviour explains prehistoric economies   What if the 'Market Economy' always existed? Archaeologists from the Universities of Göttingen in Germany and Salento in Italy tried to answer this question by researching how much Bronze Age people used to spend to sustain their daily lives.

Health - 30.07.2024
Cell atlas of regenerating liver
Cell atlas of regenerating liver
The liver has a remarkable ability to regenerate. This property is crucial for maintaining organ function and recovery after injury or surgery. Scientists from the University of Leipzig Medical Center, the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, TU Dresden and ETH Zurich have used clinical samples to investigate how cell types in the liver change before and after regeneration.

Environment - Chemistry - 30.07.2024
Clean fuel for climate-neutral heavy vehicles
Clean fuel for climate-neutral heavy vehicles
HyFiT fuels can reduce the carbon footprint of heavy goods transport and cut harmful emissions Synthetic fuels could make heavy goods traffic climate-friendly in the future. A team from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, RWTH Aachen University, and ETH Zurich is now presenting a synthesis route that can be used to produce a fuel, known as HyFiT fuel, made from biomass or CO2 that can be used to refuel conventional combustion engines.

Earth Sciences - 29.07.2024
A Blue Miracle in the Eifel: How Sapphires Formed in Volcanoes
A Blue Miracle in the Eifel: How Sapphires Formed in Volcanoes
Researchers at Heidelberg University are studying the formation of this characteristically blue-colored crystal in volcanic melts Sapphires are among the most precious gems, yet they consist solely of chemically "contaminated" aluminum oxide, or corundum. Worldwide, these characteristically blue-colored crystals are mainly found in association with silicon-poor volcanic rocks.

Politics - Social Sciences - 29.07.2024
Beyond casualties
Beyond casualties
Research exposes the long-lasting effects of losing a family member in war-torn regions Each year, hundreds of thousands of people are affected by armed conflict, both directly, through loss of life, or indirectly, through the loss of family members. Researchers studied the extent and duration of bereavement among those who lost immediate family members in high-intensity conflicts.