Suffering ecosystems - new method for reliable estimates of vegetation resilience

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Global map showing where resilience estimates are reliable (blue/orange regions)
Global map showing where resilience estimates are reliable (blue/orange regions), with categories for increasing/decreasing resilience, inconclusive trends (black), and low data quality (pink).
On a global scale, vegetation is being impacted by climate change, as confirmed by a study of the Potsdam geoscientist Dr. Taylor Smith and his collaborator Prof. Niklas Boers from the Technical University of Munich and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The researchers propose a novel way to quantify the reliability of vegetation resilience estimates at multiple spatial scales using satellite data. Their work published in "Nature Ecology & Evolution" highlights the difficulties inherent in examining vegetation resilience at the global scale and presents a clear methodology for quantifying the reliability of estimates of ecosystem resilience. ...
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