Study calls for improvements in climate protection

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Carbon credits from avoided deforestation often fail to deliver what they promise

Voluntary REDD+ project sites included in the study: - (A) Peru and Colombia. (B
Voluntary REDD+ project sites included in the study: - (A) Peru and Colombia. (B) Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Tanzania, and Zambia. (C) Cambodia. Study areas are indicated in red. Purple areas are the sites excluded from the analysis. © Image: Reprinted with permission from Thales A.P. West et al., SCIENCE 381:873 (2023) all images in original size All rights reserved!
Projects that reduce deforestation often sell carbon credits - for instance, to consumers purchasing airline tickets. However, over 90 percent of these project credits do not actually offset greenhouse gas emissions. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands), the University of Bonn, the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and the European Forest Institute in Barcelona (Spain). It was carried out on an exemplary basis for 26 projects in six countries. The results have now been published in the renowned journal Science.

There is growing interest globally in compensation mechanisms for climate protection. ...
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