news 2023



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Linguistics / Literature - 13.11.2023
Female authors address nature more often than men
Female authors address nature more often than men
Novels and poems often contain descriptions of plants or animals - sometimes more, sometimes less detailed. The extent to which flora and fauna feature in a literary work also depends on who wrote it and under what circumstances. For example, female authors tend to use more species names when they write.

Life Sciences - Linguistics / Literature - 26.09.2023
How concepts enter the brain and the role language plays in this process
Study on the connection between language and thinking by neuroscientists at Freie Universität Berlin published The influence of language on human thinking may be stronger than previously thought. This is the result of a new study by the language, cognition, and neuroscientist Friedemann Pulvermüller and his team from the Laboratory for Brain and Language Research at Freie Universität Berlin.

Linguistics / Literature - 27.07.2023
Fonts in transition
Fonts in transition
Throughout history, people have created different sign systems that correspond to the specifics of each language. The scripts have evolved in the process. Today, it is no longer possible to trace exactly how, since the development has usually been completed thousands of years ago. This is not the case with the West African Vai script, which did not come into being until the 1830s.

Linguistics / Literature - 19.04.2023
Grambank shows the diversity of the world's languages
Grambank shows the diversity of the world’s languages
An international team has created a new database that documents patterns of grammatical variation in over 2400 of the world's languages What shapes the structure of languages? In a new study, an international team of researchers reports that grammatical structure is highly flexible across languages, shaped by common ancestry, constraints on cognition and usage, and language contact.

Pedagogy - Linguistics / Literature - 02.02.2023
Can Codified Gestures Help Language Learners Master Grammar Rules?
New study by a researcher in English didactics at Freie Universität Berlin shows that the use of hand gestures in English lessons can improve language retention A recent study from the Institute of English Language and Literature at Freie Universität Berlin has shown that using codified gestures as a teaching method may make it easier for children and adolescents to understand the grammar rules of a foreign language.