Breakthrough in Monte Carlo computer simulations

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Visualization of the decision process on the new state of the spin of a ferromag
Visualization of the decision process on the new state of the spin of a ferromagnetic system with long-range interactions, shown in red. The near-field region (green) is treated as for short-range interactions, while in the far-field region (yellow) hierarchical data structures (size of the blue boxes) are used, adapted to the instantaneous system state. Photo: Institute for Theoretical Physics/University of Leipzig

Researchers develop new algorithm to effectively study long-range interacting systems.

Researchers at the University of Leipzig have developed an extremely efficient method for studying systems with long-range interactions that have been very puzzling to experts until now. These systems can be gases or even solid materials such as magnets, whose atoms interact not only with their neighbors, but much more widely. The researchers led by Wolfhard Janke use so-called Monte Carlo computer simulations for this purpose. In this method, derived from the Monte Carlo gambling casino, random system states are generated from which the desired properties of the system can be determined. ...

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