news 2023



Results 81 - 86 of 86.

Life Sciences - Chemistry - 26.01.2023
Evolutionary tuning of a cellular 'power plant'
Evolutionary tuning of a cellular ’power plant’
Researchers from Freiburg and Bonn succeed in the first comprehensive description of the protein machines in the mitochondria, the power plants of the cell. Mitochondria are membrane-enveloped structures found in all cells of higher organisms, where they produce most of the necessary energy ("power plants of the cell").

Health - Chemistry - 24.01.2023
Actin affects the spread of cancer in several ways
The transport of molecules along the cell's skeleton plays a role in cancer metastasis, Freiburg researchers show Metastases occur when cancer cells leave a primary tumor and spread throughout the body. For this, they have to break connections with neighboring cells and migrate to other tissues. Both processes are promoted by signalling molecules released by the cancer cells, which thereby increase the malignancy of tumors.

Physics - Chemistry - 23.01.2023
Colour images from the shadow of a sample
Colour images from the shadow of a sample
Researchers at Göttingen University develop new method for X-ray colour imaging A research team at the University of Göttingen has developed a new method to produce X-ray images in colour. In the past, the only way to determine the chemical composition of a sample and the position of its components using X-ray fluorescence analysis was to focus the X-rays and scan the whole sample.

Physics - Chemistry - 20.01.2023
Physical effect also valid in the quantum world
Physical effect also valid in the quantum world
Researchers at the University of Bonn confirm validity of a central theorem of physics for Bose-Einstein condensates Physicists at the University of Bonn have experimentally proven that an important theorem of statistical physics applies to so-called "Bose-Einstein condensates." Their results now make it possible to measure certain properties of the quantum "superparticles" and deduce system characteristics that would otherwise be difficult to observe.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 10.01.2023
Customized Electrolyte Additives Boost Battery Cell Performance
Phosphazene-Based Electrolyte Additives Stabilize Silicon-Based Lithium-Ion Batteries Silicon (Si) is considered a promising anode material in next-generation lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Its practical application has so far been hindered by challenges such as capacity losses during battery operation.

Life Sciences - Chemistry - 05.01.2023
Formation of pores in mitochondrial membrane elucidated
Formation of pores in mitochondrial membrane elucidated
Study by a team of researchers from Freiburg and Kyoto investigates formation of beta-barrel membrane proteins that make up the pores Mitochondria are considered to be the power plants of cells and are essential for human metabolism. Dysfunction in 40 percent of mitochondrial proteins are associated with human diseases, which is why mitochondria also play an important role in medical research.