news 2023
Cells refine palm fat into olive oil
First brew beer, then store electricity
Surprise in the Quantum World
Surprise from the quantum world
Smart light traps
Magnifier for quantum excitations
Charged ’molecular beasts’ the basis for new compounds
Access to new fluorescent materials
Researchers investigate the influence of oxidative stress on peptide aggregation
New study takes close look at energy storage
Scientists discover new superacid
Efficient process for chemical terpene synthesis
Method found for analysing complex, tiny crystals
Method found for analyzing complicated, tiny crystals
Helpers in the Assembly of Cellular ’Protein Factories’
New method for targeted design of molecules
Tailor-made Metal Complexes for Medical Diagnostics and Therapy
The chemistry of mummification - Traces of a global network
Evolutionary Tuning of a Cellular ’Powerhouse’
Results 61 - 80 of 86.
Chemistry - 03.04.2023
Electrochemical molecule synthesis coupled to hydrogen production
Research team at the University of Göttingen develops novel process using inexpensive cobalt . Green hydrogen is regarded as the clean energy carrier of the future: It can be produced decentrally and with the help of renewable forms of energy such as solar or wind energy without releasing climate-damaging carbon dioxide.
Chemistry - 03.04.2023

Study by the University of Bonn provides the first precise insight into important remodeling processes in adipose tissue For more than 50 years, it has been suspected that fat cells constantly remodel the lipids they store. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now demonstrated this process directly for the first time using culture cells.
Chemistry - 27.03.2023

Modern energy storage systems are an important building block for a climate-friendly future. "Modern" means not only that their performance meets the demands of a high-tech society, but also that they can be produced and recycled sustainably. In the search for new resources, scientists sometimes hit upon surprising raw materials - for example brewery waste.
Physics - Chemistry - 21.03.2023

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have achieved a significant milestone in the pursuit of energy-efficient quantum technologies by designing a ferromagnetic topological insulator. In 2019, an international research team headed by materials chemist Anna Isaeva, at that time a junior professor at ct.qmat (Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter), caused a stir by fabricating the world's first antiferromagnetic topological insulator - manganese bismuth telluride (MnBi 2 Te4).
Physics - Chemistry - 21.03.2023

The Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat has designed a ferromagnetic topological insulator - a milestone on the way to energy-efficient quantum technologies. Back in 2019, an international research team led by materials chemist Anna Isaeva - then a junior professor at the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat - Complexity and Topology in Quantum Materials - achieved a minor sensation with the fabrication of the first antiferromagnetic topological insulator manganese bismuth telluride (MnBi 2 Te4).
Chemistry - Physics - 21.03.2023

Synthesis gas and battery power from sunlight energy Plants use photosynthesis to harvest energy from sunlight. Now researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have applied this principle as the basis for developing new sustainable processes which in the future may produce syngas (synthetic gas) for the large-scale chemical industry and be able to charge batteries.
Physics - Chemistry - 14.03.2023

Scientists at TU Ilmenau have succeeded in realizing and understanding in detail a molecular magnifying glass for the lattice vibrations of a two-dimensional material. The results of the work, which are the result of many years of intensive joint research with theoretical physicist Mads Brandbyge from TU Denmark, have just been published in Physical Review Letters , the most important journal for physics research.
Chemistry - 11.03.2023

Mass spectrometers are high-tech machines that play an important role in our society. They are highly sensitive analytical instruments that are indispensable in areas such as medical diagnostics, food quality control and the detection of hazardous chemical substances. The research group led by Dr Jonas Warneke at the Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at Leipzig University is working to modify mass spectrometers so that they can be used for a completely different purpose: the chemical synthesis of new molecules.
Chemistry - Physics - 09.03.2023

Significantly increased efficiency of fluorescence - Wide range of applications in everyday life Fluorescence is a fascinating natural phenomenon. It is based on the fact that certain materials can absorb light of a certain wavelength and then emit light of a different wavelength. Fluorescent materials play an important role in our everyday lives, for example in modern screens.
Chemistry - 06.03.2023

Despite considerable advances in research, there is still no cure for many age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer-s. One hypothesis for the development of Alzheimer's is the aggregation of peptides, i.e. their -clumping-, in the brains of people with the disease. But stress has also been suspected as a possible trigger.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 23.02.2023

Researchers from Giessen and Münster publish detailed analysis of prospects for the development of solid-state batteries / Review in Nature Energy Research into electrochemical energy storage devices and their development are among those fields of material sciences in which most work is being done worldwide.
Chemistry - Environment - 23.02.2023

Scientists discover new superacid: Substance converts harmful compounds into sustainably usable chemicals Scientists at the University of Paderborn have succeeded in producing very special catalysts, so-called Lewis superacids, with the help of which strong chemical bonds can be split and reactions accelerated.
Chemistry - Life Sciences - 16.02.2023

A team of scientists led by Professor Tanja Gulder at Leipzig University's Institute of Organic Chemistry, together with colleagues from the University of Regensburg, has developed a simplified and efficient method for the artificial production of terpenes. Terpenes are a very extensive and diverse class of natural products that perform a wide range of functions in nature and are also used industrially.
Physics - Chemistry - 13.02.2023

The atomic structure of solid substances can often be analysed quickly, easily and very precisely using X-rays. However, this requires that crystals of the corresponding substances exist. Chemist Professor Oliver Oeckler from Leipzig University and his team are developing methods to make this possible even for very small crystals that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Physics - Chemistry - 13.02.2023

Success after ten years of research: Three intergrown compounds discovered The atomic structure of solid substances can often be analyzed quickly, easily and very precisely using X-rays. However, this requires that crystals of the corresponding substances are available. Chemist Oliver Oeckler of the University of Leipzig and his team are developing methods to make this possible even for very small crystals that are invisible to the naked eye.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 08.02.2023

Ribosomes are the nanomachines of the cell whose task is the correct synthesis of proteins. Researchers at the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center are studying the emergence of these "protein factories", also known as ribosomes. Led by Ed Hurt, they have decoded the special role of a heretofore unexplored biogenesis factor in the maturation of precursor ribosomes.
Chemistry - Physics - 08.02.2023

Potential applications include industrial processes, drug discovery and optoelectronics Engineering novel molecules and materials with specific properties can yield significant advances for industrial processes, drug discovery and optoelectronics. However, the search for novel molecules and materials is comparable to looking for a needle in a haystack, since the number of molecules in chemical space is of the unimaginable order of 10 to the power of 60.
Health - Chemistry - 06.02.2023

Heidelberg chemists study manganese, lutetium, and actinium compounds for potential applications in medicine Tailor-made chemical complexes of certain elements from the group of metals could be suitable for use in a special way in medical imaging as well as potential applications in personalised precision medicine.
History / Archeology - Chemistry - 01.02.2023

Analyzing the residue on vessels in a mummification workshop has given a team of researchers from LMU Munich and the University of fresh insights into how the ancient Egyptians embalmed the bodies of their dead. The archeologists have been able to determine what substances were used for which part of the body.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 26.01.2023

Researchers in Freiburg and Bonn provide the first comprehensive mapping of the protein machineries in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell Mitochondria are membrane-enclosed structures found in all cells of higher organisms, where they produce most of the necessary energy ("powerhouses of the cell").