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Physicists investigate 2D materials with very special properties

Physicist Dr Nihit Saigal is a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of
Physicist Dr Nihit Saigal is a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Ursula Wurstbauer. Using a micro-structure manipulation tool, developed at the Institute of Physics, for the rotation-adapted stacking of 2D crystal layers,he places an ultrathin layer of molybdenum disulphide onto a silicon dioxide underlay © University of Münster - Peter Leßmann
Postdoc Dr. Nihit Saigal, a member of Prof. Ursula Wurstbauer’s team at Münster University’s Institute of Physics, has got everything ready in the laboratory to produce an ultra-thin, two-dimensional material - a silver-coloured crystal of molybdenum disulphide, a viscoelastic polymer film... and sticking tape. He carefully places the crystal on the sticking tape, so that a little of the material remains stuck to it. He then presses these traces of the material several times onto the polymer film. In the process, the traces become thinner and thinner. ...
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