news 2022
Bioactive substance inhibits important receptor
Brain stimulation shows beneficial effects for motor deficits following stroke
No benefit from hemoadsorption in endocarditis surgery
Toolbox for systematic study of receptor regulation
New organ-on-chip system enables precise monitoring of 3D tumour tissue outside the body
Mechanism of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Discovered
’Inflaming’ cold tumors
Covid-19: Three exposures needed for broad immunity
New dual benefit mode of action for a drug candidate to fight Covid-19
Lung Cancer: When Radiotherapy Fails
Why Sentinel Cells are so Important
Results 21 - 35 of 35.
Health - Pharmacology - 05.04.2022
Researcher wants to stop harmful effect of chemotherapy on heart muscle
EU funds research project to elucidate pathological cardiac remodelling caused by cancer drugs with around 2.5 million euros 04. Heart failure is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. The disease, known in medicine as cardiac insufficiency, affects about four million people in Germany.
Pharmacology - Health - 25.03.2022

Study shows how bioactive substance inhibits important receptor Study shows how bioactive substance inhibits important receptor Results from the University of Bonn raise hope for new drugs against cancer and brain diseases The A2A receptor regulates how vigorously the innate immune system attacks diseased cells.
Health - Pharmacology - 22.03.2022
The right diet can safeguard against acute kidney injury
A research team led by Professor Dr Roman-Ulrich Müller has established that four out of six different nutritional strategies prevent acute kidney injury in the mouse model. Furthermore, the team identified a potential mechanism protecting the organs in their interdisciplinary, translational study. This is the first step towards transferring the results from bench to bedside.
Life Sciences - Pharmacology - 21.03.2022

This promising non-invasive method can be used for rehabilitation, provided that an individualised approach is developed Persistent paralysis and coordination problems are among the most common consequences of a stroke. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, the University Medical Center Halle, and the Charité -Universitätsmedizin in Berlin have discovered that brain stimulation helps.
Health - Pharmacology - 18.03.2022

In a controlled multicenter trial, a research team from Jena University Hospital investigated the benefit of hemoadsorption during cardiac surgery, aimed at reducing blood levels of inflammatory mediators, on clinical outcome. The study, now presented in Circulation, shows that hemoadsorption reduced plasma cytokines during surgery, but did not affect any of the clinically relevant outcomes.
Life Sciences - Pharmacology - 10.03.2022

Researchers from Jena and Bonn have developed a cell system to analyze the regulation of G protein-coupled receptors. To prevent overstimulation, these pharmacologically important receptors can be inactivated by specific enzymes inside the cell. That desensitization mechanism is suspected of playing a crucial role for habituation on painkillers or anti-asthmatics.
Life Sciences - Pharmacology - 18.02.2022
Plants Under Anaesthesia
02/18/2022 The carnivorous Venus flytrap can be anaesthetised with ether. Some surprising parallels to anaesthesia in humans emerge. Medicine has a broad repertoire of anaesthetics at its medication allows patients to better endure painful treatments or even sleep through them. As early as 1842, ether was first used for a dental treatment in New York.
Health - Pharmacology - 17.02.2022

3D tissue structures on the chip act as organs in miniature A research team around Andreas Weltin, Dr. Jochen Kieninger and Johannes Dornhof from the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) at the University of Freiburg has developed a system that, among other things, makes it possible to study the development of tumour cells outside the human body in a three-dimensional environment.
Health - Pharmacology - 14.02.2022

02/14/2022 Cerebral venous thrombosis is a rare, often severe disease that has been brought to public attention by the Covid 19 pandemic. Researchers have now succeeded for the first time in deciphering a molecular cause of this disease. Cerebral venous thrombosis is a rare form of cerebral circulatory disorder that, unlike classic stroke, more often affects younger people.
Health - Pharmacology - 11.02.2022
Chemotherapy or not? Physicists study gene expression tests
Following surgery, patients with breast cancer are faced with the question of whether additional chemotherapy is necessary and really effective. It is important that these women do not receive too much treatment - but not too little treatment either. Physicists from Leipzig University modelled the gene expression tests and examined their usefulness on the basis of these models.
Health - Pharmacology - 03.02.2022

Pancreatic carcinoma is a tumor with an extremely poor prognosis for which effective treatments have not yet been found. In a preclinical animal model with mice, a team of researchers has now discovered a way of making pancreatic tumors treatable with immunotherapy methods using a targeted combination of two cancer drugs.
Health - Pharmacology - 01.02.2022

Number of exposures to viral spike protein crucial for effective antibody response The immune system develops a high-quality antibody response after three encounters with the coronavirus spike protein. These antibodies are also capable of neutralizing Omicron efficiently. This applies to people who are triple-vaccinated, to those having recovered and then received two vaccinations and to double-vaccinated individuals who have experienced a breakthrough infection.
Health - Pharmacology - 14.01.2022

A research team led by Prof. Stephan Ludwig, a virologist at the Institute of Virology at the University of Münster, has found a new dual attack mode of action while working on the development of a drug candidate against SARS-CoV-2 infections. This could constitute the basis for a broadly effective drug to fight Covid 19.
Health - Pharmacology - 07.01.2022

Some lung tumours do not respond to radiation therapy. This effect can be reversed by blocking an enzyme in the tumour cells, as Würzburg researchers report. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world, with 2.2 million new cases and around 1.8 million deaths in 2020 alone. Although knowledge about the disease has improved considerably, and new therapeutic strategies can prolong the lives of previously incurable patients, the numbers clearly show that lung cancer is still a serious disease and the mortality rate is still far too high.
Health - Pharmacology - 04.01.2022

The presence of sentinel immune cells is vital to maintain and regulate the balance of the body's immune response. Researchers have discovered an essential role of these cells in the treatment of cancer and severe viral infections. Chronic viral infections and cancers can cause a permanent impairment to the immune system, reducing the ability of immune killer T cells to remove tumour cells, or those infected by a virus - this is referred to as 'immune exhaustion'.