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Results 41 - 60 of 376.

Physics - Electroengineering - 26.11.2021
Programmable Interaction between Quantum Magnets
The forces between particles, atoms, molecules, or even macroscopic objects like magnets are determined by the interactions of nature. For example, two closely lying bar magnets realign themselves under the influence of magnetic forces. A team led by Matthias Weidemüller and Dr Gerhard Zürn at the Center for Quantum Dynamics of Heidelberg University has now succeeded in its aim to change not only the strength but also the nature of the interaction between microscopic quantum magnets, known as spins.

Economics - Agronomy / Food Science - 24.11.2021
The livelihood 'quandairy' of milk producers in a disrupted market
The livelihood ’quandairy’ of milk producers in a disrupted market
Research team from the University of Göttingen explores what guides Cameroonian milk producers' decision-making after a market disruption   When agricultural markets in the Global South are disrupted, what helps producers stay in business? In regions where work can be hard to find, educational attainment is low, and opportunities for economic diversification are often too few, it is essential to understand what helps smallholder producers maintain their livelihoods.

Chemistry - 24.11.2021
Spicy breast milk?
Spicy breast milk?
Spicy substance from pepper gets into breast milk after eating In part of a recent human study led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), it was found that after eating a curry dish containing pepper, piperine - an alkaloid responsible for the pungency of pepper - was present in the milk of breastfeeding women.

Life Sciences - 24.11.2021
Sun Compass on Demand
Sun Compass on Demand
11/24/2021 Monarch butterflies employ a sun compass on their long-distance migration. Surprisingly, a new study shows that the compass is only established during flight. Monarch butterflies are famous for their annual long-distance migration, which takes them over several thousand kilometres from the north of the USA to their overwintering habitat in central Mexico.

Earth Sciences - Astronomy / Space - 23.11.2021
Analysis of Mars’s wind-induced vibrations sheds light on the planet’s subsurface properties
Seismic data collected in Elysium Planitia, the second largest volcanic region on Mars, suggest the presence of a shallow sedimentary layer sandwiched between lava flows beneath the planet's surface. These findings were gained in the framework of NASA's InSight mission (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport), in which several international research partners, including the University of Cologne, collaborate.

Physics - Mathematics - 22.11.2021
Looking into four-dimensional space with light
Looking into four-dimensional space with light
Light is used for various purposes in nowadays applications. For example, data can be transmitted with light and nanoscopic structures can be created by light. To enable such applications, light must be structured. To do this, its properties - intensity (brightness), phase (position in oscillation-cycle) and polarization (direction of the oscillation) - are "tailored".

Environment - Life Sciences - 22.11.2021
Logistical Herculean Tasks
Logistical Herculean Tasks
11/22/2021 The question of the causes of species extinction confronts science with complex tasks. Dr Sarah Redlich from the Biocentre on the challenge of creating a study design. Research groups all over the world are trying to disentangle the causes of biodiversity loss. One thing is clear: there is no single cause.

Health - Life Sciences - 19.11.2021
How unhealthy diet makes you sick
How unhealthy diet makes you sick
New link between diet, intestinal stem cells and disease discovered Obesity, diabetes and gastrointestinal cancer are frequently linked to an unhealthy diet. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for this are hitherto not fully understood. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich and Helmholtz Munich have gained some new insights that help to better understand this connection.

Chemistry - Computer Science - 17.11.2021
Artificial intelligence helps to find new natural substances
Artificial intelligence helps to find new natural substances
Bioinformatics team develops method that enables fast and confident identification of small molecules Life More than a third of all medicines available today are based on active substances from nature and a research team from the University of Jena has developed a procedure to identify small active substance molecules much more quickly and easily.

Life Sciences - Health - 16.11.2021
Sufficient energy supply decisive for nerve development
Sufficient energy supply decisive for nerve development
The bodies of animals and humans are innervated by a network of nerve cells which are connected through long extensions. The nerve cells use these so-called axons and dendrites to communicate with one another. During early development, nerve cells grow a large number of axons and dendrites. To make the connections specific, redundant extensions are removed at a later stage in a process called "pruning".

Life Sciences - Health - 15.11.2021
'Consequences for the patient's life'
’Consequences for the patient’s life’
Dr. Francesco Catania is head of the working group "Evolutionary Cell Biology" at the Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity at the University of Münster. His group uses bioinformatics and experimental approaches to investigate how the interaction of cells and organisms with their environment leads to the emergence of new properties.

Environment - Economics - 12.11.2021
Tech companies underreport CO2 emissions
Study reveals missing data for scope 3 greenhouse gases Companies in the digital technology industry are significantly underreporting the greenhouse gas emissions arising along the value chain of their products. Across a sample of 56 major tech companies surveyed in a study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), more than half of these emissions were excluded from self-reporting in 2019.

Health - 11.11.2021
Less than one-third of high cholesterol patients in low- and middle-income countries treated
Less than one-third of high cholesterol patients in low- and middle-income countries treated
International research team led by Göttingen University finds inadequate care Healthcare in lowand middle-income countries (LMICs) is poorly prepared for the increasing number of individuals with high cholesterol (i.e. hypercholesterolemia). A study on 35 LMICs shows that more than two-thirds of all people affected go without treatment.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 11.11.2021
Black hole found hiding in star cluster outside our galaxy
Black hole found hiding in star cluster outside our galaxy
International research team of astronomers including Göttingen University use "dynamical method" to discover small black hole Using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT), astronomers including the University of Göttingen have discovered a small black hole outside the Milky Way by looking at how it influences the motion of a nearby star.

Psychology - 11.11.2021
Feelings about Ageing amidst Increased Quality of Life and Societal Perceptions
Empirical studies have proven that the quality of life of older people has improved over the last several decades. Yet this has no effect on their subjective experience of ageing. Older people do not view their own ageing experience any more positively than their same-aged peers about twenty years ago.

Social Sciences - Health - 11.11.2021
COVID-19 leads to a decrease in prosocial behaviour among disadvantaged adolescents
If a family member falls ill with COVID-19, this has a particularly negative effect on young people from an economically disadvantaged and less educated background. These adolescents not only fall behind in school, their non-cognitive abilities also suffer: they are less prosocial than before. This means that they behave less generously, altruistically, and cooperatively.

Life Sciences - Physics - 09.11.2021
'Tug of war' between cells - When crucial connections are missing
’Tug of war’ between cells - When crucial connections are missing
Research team led by University of Göttingen investigates the importance of "tight junctions" for cell movement The ability of cells to move together in harmony is crucial for numerous biological processes in our body, for example wound healing, or the healthy development of an organism. This movement is made possible by the connections between individual cells.

Health - Life Sciences - 05.11.2021
Success in the analysis of herpes viruses
Success in the analysis of herpes viruses
Team including MHH and RESIST researchers has found starting point for therapy of diseases caused by herpes viruses A research team from the University of Lübeck, Hannover Medical School (MHH), CSSB Hamburg and the RESIST Cluster of Excellence has found a possible new starting point for the therapy of diseases triggered by herpes viruses.

Health - Life Sciences - 05.11.2021
Pathomechanisms in heart disease discovered
Pathomechanisms in heart disease discovered
Titin is a "titanically large" protein - the largest in the human body - which enables elastic movements of our muscles, including the heart. Mutations in the titin gene ( TTN ) that impair this function are the most frequent cause of a heart muscle disease known as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), which is characterized by a weak pump function.

Life Sciences - 05.11.2021
Researchers detect a diffusion barrier inside fly brain
Researchers detect a diffusion barrier inside fly brain
The neurons, located in the brain are interconnected in a complex pattern and establish special communication points, the synapses. All neurons require a constant environment in order to function reliably. To ensure this, the brain is surrounded by the so-called blood-brain barrier. It ensures, for example, that the nutrient balance always remains the same and that harmful influences do not reach the neurons.