news 2021


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Results 101 - 120 of 376.

Life Sciences - Health - 17.09.2021
B cells of the immune system discovered in the meninges
B cells of the immune system discovered in the meninges
A comprehensive analysis of white blood cells in the tissue surrounding the brain / Study published in the journal "Nature Neuroscience" The brain holds numerous unsolved medical mysteries. Only a few years ago it was discovered that the outer layer of the meninges is interlaced with lymphatic vessels.

Environment - 16.09.2021
Local wood with fire protection properties
Local wood with fire protection properties
University of Göttingen and Archroma develop new method for treating wood Forest scientists at the University of Göttingen, together with the Swiss company Archroma, a global specialty chemicals company, have developed a new method for turning affordable and ecologically friendly wood from European forests into high-quality, fire-resistant construction timber.

Health - Life Sciences - 14.09.2021
Molecular Achilles heel of cancer cells discovered
Molecular Achilles heel of cancer cells discovered
Changes in fat metabolism of colorectal cancer cells demonstrated for the first time Where does a malignant tumor obtain the energy to keep growing? That is a key question in cancer research. If the energy source were known, the tumor could be "starved". Researchers have now laid the foundation for this approach: For the first time, they have demonstrated a fundamental difference in the fat metabolism of healthy cells in the inner lining of the intestinal tract and colorectal cancer cells.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 14.09.2021
Model to predict the angle of repose of sand hills developed
Model to predict the angle of repose of sand hills developed
Geophysicists solve a key problem in physics and provide results that can be applied in such diverse areas as planetary research and 3-D printing / publication in 'PNAS' The prediction of the angle of repose for raised mounds of dry cohesive granular material is a long-standing problem in the natural sciences and in industry.

Physics - Chemistry - 14.09.2021
Triangular Honeycombs
Triangular Honeycombs
09/14/2021 Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat-Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter-have recently conceived and realized a new quantum material. The research results have appeared Communications. Researchers from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat-Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter - have conceived and realized a new quantum material: "Indenene".

Health - Pharmacology - 13.09.2021
Insights into the cellular and molecular changes in male infertility
Insights into the cellular and molecular changes in male infertility
"You can't see the wood for the trees" is a phrase which we certainly don't associate immediately with the medical examination and analysis of testicles. But in a certain way it applies here, too: testicles consist of many different types of cells, and up to now this complex quality prevented these types from being isolated and then analysed.

Physics - Materials Science - 09.09.2021
High-speed modulation thanks to crystal symmetry
High-speed modulation thanks to crystal symmetry
Nonlinear optics is of paramount importance in numerous fields of science and technology, in particular for second harmonic generation, namely the process of frequency doubling of a light beam. For instance, this process turns invisible infrared light into the visible light cursor of a laser pointer.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 08.09.2021
Hand pollination of crops is of major importance
Hand pollination of crops is of major importance
Research team at the Universities of Göttingen and Hohenheim analyses use in worldwide commercial cultivation Pollinators - such as bees, butterflies and birds - are essential for agricultural production. However, natural pollination can also fail or be insufficient, which can lead to lower yields and poorer quality.

Politics - 08.09.2021
Willingness to take part in demonstrations depends on group size
The size of one's own group motivates protestors more than the number of counter-demonstrators / interdisciplinary study of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne The expected number of participants at a rally is decisive for people's willingness to participate in left-wing or right-wing political protest.

Life Sciences - Health - 06.09.2021
Messengers from gut to brain
Messengers from gut to brain
Seen for the first time: T cells traveling from the gut and skin to the central nervous system Scientists have long been aware of a link between the gut microbiome and the central nervous system (CNS). Until now, however, the immune cells that move from the gut into the CNS and thus the brain had not been identified.

Earth Sciences - Environment - 06.09.2021
Nightmare Without End
Study with participation from Heidelberg shows that supervolcanoes remain dangerous long after erupting Besides cosmic impacts, supervolcanic eruptions rank among the worst catastrophes in the Earth's history, like that of the Toba volcano on Sumatra (Indonesia) approximately 75,000 years ago, which affected all of Southeast Asia and beyond.

Life Sciences - Health - 03.09.2021
Fish Eyes from a Petri Dish
A research team from the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) of Heidelberg University has demonstrated that complex retinal tissue can be cultured in a Petri dish from embryonic stem cells of bony fish. Until now, stem cells from mammals, including humans, have been used in organoid research. For the first time, researchers led by Joachim Wittbrodt have demonstrated that stem cells from medaka and zebrafish can also form highly organised neural structures under controlled laboratory conditions.

Health - Pharmacology - 02.09.2021
Bypassing side effects: Nanocontainers transport active ingredients directly to their target
Bypassing side effects: Nanocontainers transport active ingredients directly to their target
Using nanoparticles, a Jena research team implemented the targeted transport of an active ingredient into liver tissue. The particles were functionalized with a dye that is specifically absorbed by liver cells, and they carried an inhibitor of the signal protein PI3Kinase ', which contributes to the development of liver failure in sepsis.

Life Sciences - Environment - 02.09.2021
Photosynthesis even at high temperatures: helper protein ensures the formation of chlorophyll
New study reveals the protective function of the chaperone cpSRP43 against heat shock Plants make use of complex metabolic processes to produce chlorophyll - the pigment that gives them their green colour and enables photosynthesis. The fact that so-called chlorophyll biosynthesis works smoothly even in the presence of heat is due to a certain helper protein: the chaperone cpSRP43.

Environment - 01.09.2021
Deadwood in the global carbon cycle
Deadwood in the global carbon cycle
The importance of insects in the decomposition of wood The speed at which deadwood decomposes in forests depends on the climate as well as on fungi and insects. An international research team has now determined the annual contribution made by deadwood to the global carbon cycle and quantified the importance of insects in the decomposition of wood for the first time.

Agronomy / Food Science - Life Sciences - 01.09.2021
Which potatoes thrive despite insufficient phosphorus?
Which potatoes thrive despite insufficient phosphorus?
Göttingen University research team analyses different cultivars of tuber Phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient that is becoming increasingly scarce around the world. This means the fertiliser has to be used as efficiently as possible and any loss of nutrients due to leaching and erosion must be minimised.

Computer Science - 01.09.2021
Using machine learning to understand complex auctions
New AI algorithm as a tool for economists Using a new machine learning algorithm, a team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded in analyzing complex markets and their equilibrium strategies. Until now, such analyses were limited to very simple auction markets. The new numerical method opens up new possibilities for economic theory and new applications as in wireless spectrum auctions, among others.

Life Sciences - 31.08.2021
Neural Network Models May Serve as the Basis for Breakthroughs in Cognitive Science
Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Plymouth (UK) are developing biologically plausible neural network models to study human cognition A team made up of researchers from Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Plymouth are investigating whether neural networks and algorithms based on artificial intelligence can help us to understand the foundations of human cognition.

Paleontology - Environment - 31.08.2021
Crocodile tours - fossil Caimans in North America
Crocodile tours - fossil Caimans in North America
A new study of two approximately 52-million-year-old fossil finds from the Green River Formation in Wyoming, USA, has fitted them into the evolutionary history of crocodiles. Biogeologists Jules Wal-ter, Dr. Márton Rabi of the University of Tübingen, working with some other colleagues, determined the extinct species Tsoabichi greenriverensis to be an early caiman crocodile.

Health - 30.08.2021
Hobit Turns Immune Cells Into Killers
Hobit Turns Immune Cells Into Killers
08/30/2021 Against infections, tumours and inflammations, immune cells are locally positioned as rapid reaction forces in the organs of the body. On site, they specialise and take on various tasks. When pathogens invade the human body, a rapid response is required. At the forefront of the immune response are special immune cells.