Labororatory for Robots and Artificial Intelligence in Berlin

On June 4, 2019, the Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics (DCMLR) at Freie Universität Berlin will open its doors to journalists who wish to learn more about cutting-edge German research on artificial intelligence and robotics. For thirty years now, new technologies such as robotic fish or quadrocopters have been developed at Freie Universität, and research has been conducted on machine learning, which enables autonomous driving. Computer scientist Raúl Rojas founded the AI working group at Freie Universität in 1989, when he was still a postdoctoral researcher. Today Rojas teaches and does research together with three other professors at DCMLR, an association that promotes research in this very dynamic, seminal area in Berlin. Interested journalists may sign up for the Open House by May 31 either via email or by phone: Susanne.Schoettker-Soehl [at] fu-berlin (p) de ; phone: +49 30-838 75102.

Researchers at the Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics explore neural networks, develop artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles , program mobile robots, and focus on improving machine vision. At the Open House, journalists will have an opportunity to get to know and understand these innovative fields of research and future technologies. Computer science professors Dr. Raul Rojas and Dr. Daniel Göhring will present two autonomous vehicles that were developed at Freie Universität. For eight years computer programs have been guiding self-driving cars through the streets of Berlin. The researchers intend to explain the technology in a comprehensible way and also discuss legal and ethical issues.

Tim Landgraf will present biomimetic robots and learning systems for researching the intelligence of animals such as bees or fish. The "RoboFish" of the DCMLR, for example, learns how to behave from living guppies in real time. Another project of this research group studies how the bee’s brain works in navigation tasks. The researchers use quadrocopters that can measure the brain activity of honeybees in flight. Back in the hive, using AI, all the bees can be observed over several generations.

Christoph Benzmüller investigates whether machines can learn rational reasoning and argumentation. His main focus is on artificial intelligence and automated theorem proving . The DCMLR team is looking for reliable ways to solve problems using artificial intelligence and to use logical reasoning in computers. Computers would then be able to handle complex mathematical tasks and to verify hardware and software systems. They could create formal models, conduct analyses of rational arguments (such as the ontological proof of God), and even make normative judgments. In the future it could be possible to monitor compliance with legal and ethical standards by using autonomous AI systems.

Agenda for June 4, 2019

  • Presentation of the three research fields between 9 and 10 a.m.
  • Presentation and demonstration of new technologies and research findings from 10 to 11 a.m. (in three parallel groups)
  • Repetition of the lectures and presentations from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (in three parallel groups)

Journalists can gain insights into one research field in one to two hours. If you wish to attend all the lectures and presentations, you should plan a total of four hours.

In the afternoon, or by appointment, the objects on display may be photographed and filmed. Members of the research group will be available all day for interviews.

Time and Place

  • Tuesday, June  4, 2019, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin