news 2018
Enlightening insights of the ’darkroom cell’
Copper compound as promising quantum computing unit
Chemists develop new method for selective binding of proteins
Environment turns molecule into a switch
The gods of small things
Zika virus proteins inhibit brain development
Chemists present new reaction path: Symmetrical cleavage of disulphides is fast and biocompatible
Pungent tasting substance in ginger reduces bad breath
Site-directed RNA editing as an alternative to genetic scissors
Wave fronts and ant trails
Complex Organic Molecules On Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
The attosecond stopwatch
Producing sensors with an inkjet printer
Switching with molecules
In the beginning was the phase separation
TUM coordinates two new Collaborative Research Centers
The enzyme designers
Results 1 - 20 of 30.
Chemistry - Physics - 19.12.2018

Chemists synthesise molecule as possible component for quantum computers Light PhD candidate Benjamin Kintzel (l.) and Winfried Plass discuss a molecule they have developed, that may possibly be used in a quantum computer. Image: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU Quantum computers could vastly increase the capabilities of IT systems, bringing major changes worldwide.
Chemistry - Earth Sciences - 11.12.2018

Chemists at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena discover previously unknown metabolic pathway in plankton Life Chlorophyll (= algae) in the sea: single-cell algea produce a new chemical compound discovered by chemists at the University Jena. Image: NASA Sulphur is found in many different compounds throughout the world - not only in the atmosphere, but also in the oceans and on land.
Physics - Chemistry - 23.11.2018

'Key-and-lock recognition' through co-assembling points of contact on a nanoscale / Potential for diagnostics, imaging and active ingredients in medicines A new method of selectively binding proteins to nanoparticles has been described by a team of German and Chinese researchers headed by Prof. Bart Jan Ravoo, a chemist at the "Center for Soft Nanoscience" at the University of Münster.
Physics - Chemistry - 14.11.2018

11/14/2018 For the first time, physicists from the University of Würzburg have successfully positioned an organic molecule on a substrate realizing two stable configurations. This may have application potential in molecular spintronics. It looks like a cross with four arms of equal length that have a central atom at their intersection.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 28.09.2018
White Biotechnology: New Step for Antibiotics
Biochemists and organic chemists from Freie Universität Berlin along with partners are working on biotechnological production of bioactive molecules / Cooperation with TU Munich and Bar-Ilan University in Israel No 253/2018 from Sep 28, 2018 Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin, together with research teams from Munich and Israel, have unraveled the reaction mechanism of a biotechnologically relevant enzyme.
Chemistry - Physics - 25.09.2018

On the outside, the cluster made of 55 copper and aluminum atoms looks like a crystal, but chemically it has the properties of an atom. The heterometallic superatom which chemists of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have created provides the prerequisites for developing new, more cost-effective catalysts.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 04.09.2018

In healthy individuals, the Zika virus causes flu-like symptoms. If a pregnant woman becomes infected, the unborn child can suffer from severe brain abnormalities as a result of mechanisms that have not yet been explained. A study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPI-B) shows that Zika virus proteins bind to cellular proteins that are required for neural development.
Chemistry - Physics - 07.08.2018

A team of researchers led by Prof. Frank Glorius and Michael Teders from the University of Münster and by Prof. Dirk Guldi from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have presented a new chemical reaction path which may prove to be of interest both for research and for the production of active ingredients in medicines.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 30.07.2018

The pungent compound 6-gingerol, a constituent of ginger, stimulates an enzyme contained in saliva - an enzyme which breaks down foul-smelling substances. It thus ensures fresh breath and a better aftertaste. Citric acid, on the other hand, increases the sodium ion content of saliva, making salty foods taste less salty.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 26.07.2018
Breakthrough in industrial CO2 usage
Research news Professor Arne Skerra of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded for the first time in using gaseous CO2 as a basic material for the production of a chemical mass product in a biotechnical reaction. The product is methionine, which is used as an essential amino acid, particularly in animal feed, on a large scale.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 05.07.2018

Tübingen researchers use cells' backup copies for targeted, reversible changes to genetic information - seeking applications in research and treatment of disease-causing mutations The development of CRISPR/Cas gene editing tools marked a revolution in the targeted alteration of genetic information. It opened up a wealth of opportunities for basic research and genetic repairs.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 29.06.2018

Research news Munich physicists have discovered unique patterning phenomena in systems whose parts move actively. Despite identical initial conditions, two different states can coexist and dynamically interconvert. Their findings provide new insights into the variety of biological processes. Bird flocks and bacterial suspensions, but also the dynamic filamentous protein systems that make up the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells, have something in common.
Chemistry - Astronomy / Space - 28.06.2018

Under its icy crust, Saturn's moon Enceladus conceals an global ocean of liquid water. A detector on the Cassini space probe detected ice particles propelled from Enceladus that contain high concentrations of organic substances. They exhibit the structures typical of highly complex macromolecular compounds.
Physics - Chemistry - 28.06.2018

Research news Ultra-short, high-intensity X-ray flashes open the door to the foundations of chemical reactions. Free-electron lasers generate these kinds of pulses, but there is a catch: the pulses vary in duration and energy. An international research team has now presented a solution: Using a ring of 16 detectors and a circularly polarized laser beam, they can determine both factors with attosecond accuracy.
Chemistry - Life Sciences - 20.06.2018

Research news Microelectrodes can be used for direct measurement of electrical signals in the brain or heart. These applications require soft materials, however. With existing methods, attaching electrodes to such materials poses significant challenges. A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now succeeded in printing electrodes directly onto several soft substrates.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 18.06.2018
More than just a good flavor
Research news Not only do citric acid and spicy 6-gingerol from ginger add special flavors to food and beverages; both substances also stimulate the molecular defenses in human saliva. That is the result of a human clinical trial by a team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology.
Physics - Chemistry - 24.05.2018

Research news A research team led by physicists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed molecular nanoswitches that can be toggled between two structurally different states using an applied voltage. They can serve as the basis for a pioneering class of devices that could replace silicon-based components with organic molecules.
Chemistry - Life Sciences - 23.05.2018

Research news The question of the origin of life remains one of the oldest unanswered scientific questions. A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now shown for the first time that phase separation is an extremely efficient way of controlling the selection of chemical building blocks and providing advantages to certain molecules.
Health - Chemistry - 18.05.2018

Research news The Technical University of Munich (TUM) has taken on the role of coordinator in two new German Research Foundation Collaborative Research Centers (short SFB for german 'Sonderforschungsbereich'), both of which are dedicated to the subject of cancer. One SFB analyzes the immunosignals that contribute to the occurrence of cancer, while the other conducts research into the biological properties of aggressive pancreatic cancer.
Chemistry - Life Sciences - 17.04.2018

Research news Practically all biochemical processes involve enzymes that accelerate chemical reactions. A research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now for the first time deciphered the molecular mechanism of the enzyme AsqJ. They see potential applications in the production of pharmaceutically active molecules, for example.