news 2017


Social Sciences

Results 1 - 3 of 3.

Social Sciences - 15.05.2017
Big Data Has Its Faults
Scientists from Freie Universität Involved in New EU Research Project on Processing Mass Data â?- 120/2017 from May 15, 2017 Scientists from the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin are involved in a new project being funded by the European Union to investigate the distortions of "big data" approaches in information processing.

Social Sciences - 31.03.2017
German Research Foundation Supports New Centre for Advanced Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
Investigation of Tension between Ancient Oriental Despotism and Enlightened Democracy ' 066/2017 from Mar 31, 2017 The German Research Foundation (DFG) is setting up one of nationwide only two new Centres for Advanced Study at Freie Universität. It is entitled "Rethinking Oriental Despotism - Strategies of Governance and Modes of Participation in the Ancient Near East" and directed by Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum and Jörg Klinger from the Department of History and Cultural Studies, as the DFG announced on Friday in Bonn.

Career - Social Sciences - 03.03.2017
Defying the skills shortage with family-friendly HR policies: The Family-Friendly HR Policy Research Centre at Münster University publishes a study on family-friendly measures at Münster University Hospital
The Family-Friendly HR Policy Research Centre at Münster University publishes a study on family-friendly measures at Münster University Hospital Can family-friendly measures undertaken by companies can be innovative and, at the same time, a worthwhile social investment? This is the question asked in a study just published entitled "Balancing career and family with the audit berufundfamilie programme - a case study at Münster University Hospital".