Regional seed material performs better

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Bluebottons (Knautia arvensis) show genetical diversity between the North and th
Bluebottons (Knautia arvensis) show genetical diversity between the North and the South of Germany and also in their regional adaptation. (Photo: Walter Durka)

Colorful and extensively used meadows and pastures provide valuable habitats for many plant and animal species. However, they have become very rare. In order to re-establish such grasslands, the plants they contain must be sown. Scientists and nature conservationists argue that seed material from the region in which the future meadow is located should be used. Together with colleagues from Tübingen and Münster, ecologists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Halle investigated how useful this approach is, and concluded that regional seed material has considerable advantages to offer.

When foresters plant new trees, they no longer use just any seed material - copper beech is not simply copper beech. ...

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