news 2015
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Linguistics / Literature - Health - 20.11.2015
Language Use in Later Life
Research Workshop of Université catholique de Louvain and Freie Universität Berlin from December 7 to 9, 2015 How does language use change with increasing age? What can psychologists learn from linguists and vice versa? And how can the findings of linguistic research be useful for health care workers, care givers, relatives, and senior citizens themselves? These and other issues will be addressed by the participants of a research workshop that will take place from December 7 to 9, 2015, at Universität Louvain (UCL).
Linguistics / Literature - 22.05.2015
"Material Text Cultures" CRC to Continue Its Successful Work
The Collaborative Research Centre "Material Text Cultures. Materiality and Presence of Writing in Non-Typographic Societies" (CRC 933) will continue its successful work at Heidelberg University for another four years. After an international expert evaluation, the German Research Foundation (DFG) approved a second funding period in the amount of approx. 10 million euros.