news 2015
Disapperance of a Lake
The Coldest War At The "Roof Of The World"
Marine Expedition to Brazil Investigates Climate Dynamics
Earth Sciences
Results 1 - 6 of 6.
Earth Sciences - Environment - 17.12.2015
The Landscape Remembers
New Findings by Earth Scientists from Potsdam and Berlin Published in Science Earth scientists Dr. Wolfgang Schwanghart and Prof. Oliver Korup, PhD, from the Natural Hazards Group at the University of Potsdam investigate extreme events in the Earth's recent history. In a study recently published in the science journal Science, Schwanghart and Korup were part of an international team who investigated thick deposits in the Pokhara valley in the Himalayan country Nepal.
Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 20.11.2015
DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center at Freie Universität Berlin
DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center at Freie Universität Berlin: Project to Study the Late Growth History of the Earth, Its Moon, and Other Terrestrial Planets Joint Project with Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Technische Universität Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde, and German Aerospace Center in Berlin A new Collaborative Research Center (CRC) at Freie Universität aims to provide insights on the late growth history of the Earth, its moon, and other terrestrial planets.
Earth Sciences - 28.09.2015
Countdown to eruption
How long is the interval between the trigger for a volcanic eruption and the eruption itself? A new study by LMU volcanologists indicates that compositional variations in erupted Magmas can answer this question. In the lithosphere beneath an active volcano the magma is never at rest. When melts with different chemical compositions come into, the result is often an explosive mixture: the molten rock begins to bubble, and an eruption becomes inevitable.
Earth Sciences - Environment - 14.09.2015

Freie Universität Berlin Receives Grants from German Research Foundation for Earth Science Project in Botswana Earth scientists Frank Riedel and Dr. Kai Hartmann from Freie Universität are studying environmental and climate changes over the past millennia in Tsodilo Hills, Botswana, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001.
Earth Sciences - 13.07.2015

The highest and coldest battleground in the world lies on the Siachen Glacier in Northern Kashmir, where Indian and Pakistani military outposts face off at an altitude over 6,500 metres. This extremely high mountainous region, with its constant threat of avalanches, crevasse falls, and frostbite, is a logistical nightmare to supply and imposes tremendous expenses.
Earth Sciences - Environment - 10.06.2015

An international team led by Heidelberg University geoscientists will embark on a four-week marine expedition in the Tropical West Atlantic in the spring of 2016 to study historical precipitation changes in Brazil. In March and April of next year, the researchers are planning to collect water and sediment samples along the Brazilian coast and reconstruct the changes in the local precipitation over the past 150,000 years.