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Results 81 - 99 of 99.
Social Sciences - Administration - 23.07.2015
Dr. Patricia Kanngießer Receives Freigeist Fellowship from the Volkswagen Foundation
Five-year Funding for Research on Social Norms Psychologist Dr. Patricia Kanngießer has been granted funding amounting to 561,500 euros from the Volkswagen Foundation for her research on social norms. An international panel of experts chose her project, "Navigating the social world - A cross-cultural and developmental perspective on social norms," in which she examines the influence of the cultural environment on social norms.
Event - Environment - 21.07.2015
Communication Scholar W. Lance Bennett Receives Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Specialist in Political Communication Doing Research at Institute of Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität until December 2015 The internationally recognized political scientist and communication scholar, W. Lance Bennett from the University of Washington in Seattle (Washington, USA) is the recipient of a Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation.
Computer Science - Economics - 16.07.2015
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing Has New Industry Partner
The Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI), Heidelberg University's established "Industry on Campus" project focused on research in digital image processing, is gaining a strong, new partner in industry with Bayer AG by entering into a cooperative agreement with Bayer Technology Services GmbH.
Earth Sciences - 13.07.2015

The highest and coldest battleground in the world lies on the Siachen Glacier in Northern Kashmir, where Indian and Pakistani military outposts face off at an altitude over 6,500 metres. This extremely high mountainous region, with its constant threat of avalanches, crevasse falls, and frostbite, is a logistical nightmare to supply and imposes tremendous expenses.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 13.07.2015

In the course of basic research in membrane biochemistry scientists at Heidelberg University have gained new insight into the cytotoxic effect of the Ebola virus. Employing biochemical and cell biological methods they have shed light on the molecular relationships between the Ebola glycoprotein and its role in mediating cytotoxicity.
Physics - Administration - 08.07.2015
Millions in Funding for Particle Physics in Heidelberg
Particle physicists at Heidelberg University have been awarded funding for their research at the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva. Over the next three years, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will provide more than nine million euros for work on the ATLAS, ALICE, and LHCb experiments at the LHC.
Chemistry - Pharmacology - 17.06.2015
First complexation of multiple CO molecules to a non-metal atom
06/17/2015 For the first time, Würzburg scientists have successfully bound multiple carbon monoxide molecules to the main group element boron. They report on their work in the latest issue of the scientific journal Nature. Scientists of Professor Holger Braunschweig's team of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg have successfully bound two carbon monoxide molecules (CO) to the main group element boron in a direct synthesis for the first time.
Earth Sciences - Environment - 10.06.2015

An international team led by Heidelberg University geoscientists will embark on a four-week marine expedition in the Tropical West Atlantic in the spring of 2016 to study historical precipitation changes in Brazil. In March and April of next year, the researchers are planning to collect water and sediment samples along the Brazilian coast and reconstruct the changes in the local precipitation over the past 150,000 years.
Social Sciences - Life Sciences - 09.06.2015

With its canary-yellow colouring, the yellow-breasted bunting - about the size of a sparrow - is one of the more striking species of songbirds. Until a few years ago it was one of the commonest birds found in northern Europe and Asia. Since then, however, ornithologists have recorded sharp declines in many regions.
Physics - 09.06.2015

Using an exotic quantum superfluid that originates in a two-dimensional atomic gas, researchers from Heidelberg University are closing in on the phenomenon of superconductivity. The team headed by Selim Jochim of the Institute for Physics is using this special gas as a model system to more easily study the largely unknown mechanism of the superfluid phase transition in 2D structures.
Astronomy / Space - Chemistry - 28.05.2015
Shining Message about the End of the Dark Ages
An international team, including researchers from the Centre for Astronomy of Heidelberg University (ZAH), has discovered three "cosmic Methusalems" from the earliest years of the universe. These unusual stars are about 13 billion years old and experts assign them to the first generations of stars after the "dark ages".
Linguistics / Literature - 22.05.2015
"Material Text Cultures" CRC to Continue Its Successful Work
The Collaborative Research Centre "Material Text Cultures. Materiality and Presence of Writing in Non-Typographic Societies" (CRC 933) will continue its successful work at Heidelberg University for another four years. After an international expert evaluation, the German Research Foundation (DFG) approved a second funding period in the amount of approx. 10 million euros.
Astronomy / Space - 20.05.2015
Asteroid Research Benefits From Gaia Satellite Mission
Astronomical research on asteroids, i.e. minor planets, is also benefiting from the large-scale Gaia mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). Even though the astrometry satellite's main purpose is to precisely measure nearly one billion stars in the Milky Way, it has tracked down a multitude of minor planets in our solar system.
Physics - 11.05.2015
Ruperto Carola Receives Research Training Group to Develop Novel Particle Detectors
Research and development of novel detector technologies to identify and measure elementary particles is the topic of a new Research Training Group (RTG) that will be established at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of Heidelberg University. It is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). After successful evaluation by an international expert panel, the "HighRR - High Resolution and High Rate Detectors in Nuclear and Particle Physics" Research Training Group receives about 3.7 million euros over a period of four and a half years.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 30.04.2015
The Regulating Hand in Ribosome Formation
Ribosomes, which use a fixed genetic programme to manufacture cell proteins, also form according to a strict hierarchical plan. In an interdisciplinary approach, the research teams of Ed Hurt of the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH) and André Hoelz of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena (USA) have decoded the mechanism that regulates this process.
Astronomy / Space - 13.04.2015

Gold and other precious metals appeared on Earth after the formation of the Moon / Planetologists' report published in "Nature" The history of the Earth is closely linked to that of the Moon, which was formed around 4.5 billion years ago when a planet approximately the size of Mars collided with the proto-Earth.
Life Sciences - 09.04.2015
Signal replicas make a flexible sensor
LMU researchers have shown how signals from the spinal cord adjust the sensitivity of hair cells in the inner ear to accommodate shifts in head position associated with active locomotion - thus ensuring that balance is maintained. Fluorescence image showing two nerves (stained in red and green), which are responsible for transmitting information from the hair cells to the brain and from neurons (small green dots) that alter hair cell sensitivity, respectively.
Environment - Life Sciences - 07.04.2015

New Findings: Variability Helps Mammals to Become Invasive From the time humans began discovering and conquering new continents, they also started transporting animals and plants around the world and releasing them in locations where they had never been before. Most of these alien species died out quickly, but many established populations and some even multiplied and became invasive, causing tremendous economic and environmental harm.
Life Sciences - 12.01.2015
Revolution averted
Who came first - sponges or comb jellies? A new study by an LMU team reaffirms that sponges are the oldest animal phylum - and restores the classical view of early animal evolution, which recent molecular analyses had challenged. The answer to the question of whether the sponges or the comb jellies (also known as sea gooseberries) represent the oldest extant animal phylum is of crucial importance to our understanding of organismic evolution.