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Results 21 - 40 of 99.
Linguistics / Literature - Health - 20.11.2015
Language Use in Later Life
Research Workshop of Université catholique de Louvain and Freie Universität Berlin from December 7 to 9, 2015 How does language use change with increasing age? What can psychologists learn from linguists and vice versa? And how can the findings of linguistic research be useful for health care workers, care givers, relatives, and senior citizens themselves? These and other issues will be addressed by the participants of a research workshop that will take place from December 7 to 9, 2015, at Universität Louvain (UCL).
Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 20.11.2015
DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center at Freie Universität Berlin
DFG Funds New Collaborative Research Center at Freie Universität Berlin: Project to Study the Late Growth History of the Earth, Its Moon, and Other Terrestrial Planets Joint Project with Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Technische Universität Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde, and German Aerospace Center in Berlin A new Collaborative Research Center (CRC) at Freie Universität aims to provide insights on the late growth history of the Earth, its moon, and other terrestrial planets.
Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 19.11.2015

The ability to grow three-dimensional precursors of an organ from stem cells in a Petri dish has brought about a revolution in the field of biomedicine. But exactly what can be researched on such an organoid in vitro? A team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now shown for the first time how artificially grown mini-intestines can be used in nutritional and diabetic research.
Physics - Life Sciences - 19.11.2015

Both in materials science and in biomedical research it is important to be able to view minute nanostructures, for example in carbon-fiber materials and bones. A team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of Lund, Charité hospital in Berlin and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have now developed a new computed tomography method based on the scattering, rather than on the absorption, of X-rays.
Physics - Astronomy / Space - 18.11.2015
Calibrating Quantum Machines
Theoretical Physicists at Freie Universität Berlin Develop Method to Detect Functioning of Quantum Machines Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin have developed a new method to certify the proper functioning of quantum machines. Such quantum machines allow the simulation of complex systems that cannot be simulated even with modern supercomputers.
Physics - 17.11.2015

A key issue with lithium ion batteries is aging. It significantly reduces their potential storage capacity. To date, very little is known about the causes of the aging effects. Scientists from the Department of Technical Electrochemistry and the Research Neutron Source FRM II at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now come a step closer to identifying the causes in their latest experiments.
History / Archeology - 17.11.2015
Language Change within Coptic Egyptian
Long-term Research Project on Greek Loanwords in Coptic Egyptian Moved to Freie Universität Berlin The long-term research project "Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic" (DDGLC) is in its second phase of funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and since November 2015 has moved to Freie Universität.
Psychology - 16.11.2015

11/16/2015 Everyone probably knows the following situation: You point your finger at something to show it to someone else. But the other person does not get it, sees neither the hedgehog by the road, nor a certain constellation in the sky. Psychologists from the University of Würzburg have found out why pointing gestures are frequently misunderstood.
Chemistry - Physics - 12.11.2015

Joint Project Details Charge Transport in Polymeric Carbon Nitride for First Time Polymeric carbon nitride is an organic material with interesting optoelectronic properties. As an inexpensive photocatalyst, it can be used to facilitate water splitting using sunlight. Joint research by Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, the University of Rostock, and Freie Universität Berlin as well as other partners has now investigated for the first time how light creates charge carriers in this class of materials and established details about charge mobility and lifetimes.
Life Sciences - Health - 09.11.2015

Agglutinated proteins in the brain, known as amyloid-? plaques, are a key characteristic of Alzheimer's. One treatment option uses special antibodies to break down these plaques. This approach yielded good results in the animal model, but for reasons that are not yet clear, it has so far been unsuccessful in patient studies.
Life Sciences - Health - 04.11.2015

In laboratory experiments on the basic mechanisms that cause Alzheimer's dementia, an international research team led by Heidelberg neurobiologist Ulrike Müller and a team of French scientists have succeeded in largely "repairing" the nerve cell damage typical in this disease. The researchers took a closer look at a key protein in Alzheimer's pathogenisis, APP, and one of its cleavage products APPs'.
Life Sciences - 03.11.2015
Learning during Sleep
Neurobiologists at Freie Universität Berlin Demonstrate Significance of Sleep for Learning Processes in Bees Biologists at Freie Universität Berlin in the group of the highly regarded bee researcher Randolf Menzel have demonstrated for the first time the importance of deep sleep for learning processes in the brains of insects.
Physics - Life Sciences - 02.11.2015

Usually, harvesting energy and raw materials from plants requires many process steps and aggressive chemicals. To make these processes more efficient and resource saving, researchers are looking for suitable enzymes. Using neutrons, researchers have now investigated the reaction mechanism of an important class of enzymes: the glycosidases.
Health - Life Sciences - 30.10.2015

An international team of scientists, led by Prof. Roland Rad at the University Hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar of Technical University of Munich (TUM), has developed a multiplexed screening approach together with colleagues of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. The method can be used to mutate simultaneously many different genes in adult mice.
Chemistry - Physics - 29.10.2015

Some fundamental properties of the coinage metal elements gold, silver and copper, such as chemical behaviour or colours, are already predetermined in their atoms. The unique properties of gold can be largely explained by Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Chemists from Heidelberg University have been able to demonstrate this through their investigations of gold, silver and copper carbenes.
Health - Life Sciences - 29.10.2015

For some years now it has been possible to generate high-brilliance X-rays using ring-shaped particle accelerators (synchrotron sources). However, such installations are several hundred meters in diameter and cost billions of euros. The world's first mini synchrotron was inaugurated today at Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Health - Life Sciences - 27.10.2015
Lifestyle Change Could Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s
Changes in lifestyle could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. That was the conclusion of a study conducted by researchers of Heidelberg University's Network Aging Research (NAR), who examined the data from two independent epidemiological studies. Carriers of the ApoE4 genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's may be able to reduce their increased risk of cognitive decline by reducing their cholesterol level, especially if they also suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Life Sciences - Environment - 27.10.2015

10/27/2015 Three professors from Würzburg University have been commended as "highly cited researchers". Thomas Reuters awards this title to researchers whose work receives exceptional attention worldwide and is highly cited by scientists. Professor Laurens Molenkamp is "Citation Laureate". Professor Jörg Vogel and Professor Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter have been newly added to the list that was updated on 30 October 2015 to join Professor Frank Würthner, who has been on the list since 2014.
Environment - 23.10.2015

Heidelberg researchers studied the dynamics of the Mediterranean outflow through the Straits of Gibraltar - impact on global ocean circulation As a result of global warming, more extremely salty water masses from the Mediterranean will be flowing into the North Atlantic through the Straits of Gibraltar.
Environment - Life Sciences - 22.10.2015

Plants adapt their flowering time to the temperature in their surroundings. But what exactly triggers their flowering at the molecular level? Can this factor switch flowering on or off and thus respond to changes in the climate? In a study currently published in PLOS Genetics, a team headed by Professor Claus Schwechheimer from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) describes a molecular mechanism with which plants adapt their flowering time to ambient temperatures and thereby indicate ways in which the flowering time can be predicted on the basis of genetic information.