general information

general information

General information

Academics in Germany earn a third more than non-academics. But the salaries are very different depending on the sector, the region and the age of the employee.

Average salary

Average salary: In Germany the average gross salary was 43.300.- Euro in the year 2015 according to the Federal Statistical Office.

Average salary of academics: The salary of academics depends very strongly on the field of study, the sector and the educational level. The following list shows the salary depending on the educational level: promotion: 65.708.-, state examination: 58.736.-, license to practice medicine: 57.815.-, university diploma/master’s degree: 56.165.-, diploma at university of applied sciences/Bachelor: 55.585.-

Salaries according to the sector and the field of study

Salaries according to the sector: Significant for the salary level is also the sector. Especially low is the salary in the service sector. Especially high is the salary in the pharmaceutical industry, in the banking sector or in the energy sector. Top earners are professionally experienced doctors.

The following list shows the average salaries accordimng to the sectors for the yeasr 2015:

banking-sector: 64.100.-, financial service: 63.720.-, pharmaceutical industry: 61.662.-, chemical industry: 60.989.-, telecommunications 59.791.-, medical technology: 59.702.-, mechanical engineeering: 58.491.-, public sector: 44.714.-, health sector: 41.410.-.

Salaries according to the field of study: The average salary according to the field of study can be also very different. doctors and lawyers are the top earners, but also engineers or computer scientists have a very attractive salary.

Quelle: StepStone Gehaltsreport 2015.

Salary calculator

The expected salary depends not only on the age and the education of the employee, but also on the industry, the region, and the work experience. The salary calculator helps you to calculate the expected salary depending on the mentioned factors.