’The future of medicine lies in the networking of technologies’

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The SDC networking technology co-developed at ICAAS is primarily used for data e
The SDC networking technology co-developed at ICAAS is primarily used for data exchange in hospitals. Photo: Copyright: Leonie Lang - 2018

Exchange data between medical devices from different manufacturers in a secure and user-friendly way: The answer is IEEE 11073 Service-oriented device connectivity (SDC). This is a networking technology that is primarily used in operating rooms and clinics and was co-developed at the University of Leipzig. In this interview, Thomas Neumuth, technical director of the Innovation Center for Computer-Assisted Surgery (ICCAS), explains the special features and current developments regarding this dynamic, technical interface. The technology has the potential to permanently change the healthcare landscape, he says. From October 18 to 20, industry leaders at ICCAS will exchange ideas on medical networking technologies at a workshop.

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