Two characteristics that protect from believing misinformation

Photo: Private Marco Meyer can predict a person’s susceptibility to corona
Photo: Private Marco Meyer can predict a person’s susceptibility to corona myths twice as well as by traditional methods, using the results from his study involving 998 individuals from the USA.

A scientific test reveals how susceptible individuals may be to corona myths Two characteristics that protect from believing misinformation

One in five people believes misinformation about corona. How a person deals with information generally is a key sign as to who is particularly at risk, and may even be used as a predictor. This was the result of a study led by Dr. Dr. Marco Meyer from Universität Hamburg. People can now take the test based on the study results online, to check their own susceptibility.

Roughly 20 percent of the population of the USA believes false claims about the coronavirus, such as for example, that hand dryers can kill the virus, or that it can be carried by house flies. ...

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