From October 9 to 11, 50 participants from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America met at the World Technologies Universities Conference to explore global trends for sustainable development and discuss the role and responsibility of universities in addressing the complex issues of our time. What is the role of technical universities in the shift toward greater sustainability? What are the particular challenges they face? What innovations are helping to educate tomorrow’s scientists, engineers, and citizens? How does the focus on sustainability influence innovation and entrepreneurship?
Participants at the conference presented best practices from their institutions: best practices and successful examples of incorporating social responsibility, sustainable entrepreneurship and a culture of global citizenship into their communities. The conference organizer, Prof. Jens Müller, Vice President for International Relations and Transfer at TU Ilmenau, was extremely pleased with the way the three days of discussions went: "The conference presentations and the lively discussions showed that we face very comparable challenges regardless of country and continent of origin and that we can learn from each other on many points."

The keynote speaker at the conference was Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In his English-language presentation, "The Climate Crisis in the Public Debate of Science, Opponents and Populists," he argued that science must not give up on rejecting misrepresentations and communicating data-based findings on climate change and its drivers. For example, he showed how selective omission of temperature data derives false findings that downplay the importance of man-made influence.
The World Technology Universities Network aims to empower future generations to meet the challenges of the 21st century through cutting-edge research with direct benefits for people and society. The universities conduct joint research projects, maintain regular exchanges with each other and strive to promote society’s understanding of the tasks, work and research fields of technical universities worldwide.