’The subject of batteries is high up on the international agenda’

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The Director of MEET, Martin Winter, discusses the visit being paid to the Battery Research Centre by experts from Stanford and Twente

Working in the dryroom: the experts at the MEET Battery Research Centre aim not
Working in the dryroom: the experts at the MEET Battery Research Centre aim not only to develop sustainable, efficient batteries for tomorrow’s world but also drive battery cell production in Europe. © WWU - Michael C. Möller
Top-level experts from the Universities of Stanford (USA) and Twente (Netherlands) are visiting the MEET Battery Research Centre at the University of Münster from 24 to 26 January as part of a Winter School. About a year ago, a delegation from Münster University - including Rector Prof. Johannes Wessels and Prof. Martin Winter - and one from the University of Twente travelled to Stanford University in California. In the talks they held there, one of the topics discussed was the role of battery research and energy storage as a global challenge in the energy and mobility transition. ...
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