Review: Life in the space-time continuum. All about biological clocks in time and off the beat

A series of events has been focusing on life in the space-time continuum, with the next one in April set to focus on "myself and everyone else."

The event took an interdisciplinary look at the topic of time. - Cristina Psenne
The event took an interdisciplinary look at the topic of time. - Cristina Psenner (left) and Caitlin Koch from campus radio station bonnFM hosted the evening. © Barbara Frommann/University of Bonn all images in original size .
What is time? Does it even exist separately from us humans? And what keeps us "in time"- An event from the series entitled "Die Exzellenzuniversität Bonn lädt ein" ("An invitation from the University of Bonn, a University of Excellence") took an interdisciplinary look at the big issue of time, offering an evening of fascinating insights, surprising facts and ample food for thought.

"Time after Time," "Forever Young" and "An Tagen wie diesen" ("On Days Like These")--the pop songs that resounded through Lecture Hall I on the evening of December 6 all shared a common theme: time. ...
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