PATINFO2024, the 46th international colloquium of the TU Ilmenau on patent information and industrial property rights, will take place in Ilmenau from June 5 to 7 - the topic: "Protection against product piracy: Why patents, trademarks and designs are indispensable". At the invitation of the State Patent Center Thuringia at the TU Ilmenau, international experts will come together for three days to discuss information aspects and property rights in competition. The lecture program will be complemented by a panel discussion, workshops and an exhibition.
Program and registration:
Patents, registered trademarks and designs are indispensable instruments for protecting intellectual property. It is crucial for IP right holders that their rights are effectively enforced in various markets. To do this, information and patent professionals must uncover infringements of these rights. Which IP strategies, which types of search and which internal organizational structures help? To discuss these questions, experts from research, industry, patent offices, law firms and the information sector will come together at PATINFO2024 , TU Ilmenau’s 46th international colloquium on patent information and industrial property protection, from June 5 to 7, 2024 in Ilmenau’s Festhalle. PATINFO2024 will be opened by Eva Schewior, President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, and Dr. Regina Hock, President of the Federal Patent Court. This will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic of "Property rights vs. piracy".
PATINFO is an ideal forum for the exchange of experience between public, private and commercial providers and users of patents, trademarks and designs. In addition to the keynote speeches, software providers and information service providers will present their latest developments in IP data, software and services in a series of short presentations and in an exhibition of around 30 companies. A free workshop program offers participants the opportunity to acquire the latest knowledge and skills on the subject.