New Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group Studies Supermassive Black Holes

Photo: Universität Hamburg/MIN/Fuchs  Jan-Torge Schindler
Photo: Universität Hamburg/MIN/Fuchs Jan-Torge Schindler
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has admitted the astrophysicist Dr. Jan-Torge Schindler to the Emmy Noether Programme. His new independent junior research group at Universität Hamburg examines the emergence and early development of supermassive black holes in the first 2 billion years of our universe. For this undertaking, they will receive €1.7 million in

To answer these questions, the researchers are using large sky surveys, which take pictures of the sky at different wavelengths and search those images for matching light sources. Black holes may not be visible, but as they grow, they are surrounded by huge, hot disks of gas and dust. These can be observed at a distance as point-shaped light sources. ...

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