Mathematics driving innovation: Research alliance takes an integrative approach

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Research alliance takes an integrative approach: a guest commentary by Thomas Nikolaus and Mario Ohlberger

A major interest which ’Mathematics Münster’ has is to integrate out
A major interest which ’Mathematics Münster’ has is to integrate outstanding scientists into research work at an early stage in their career and provide them with a springboard for future career paths. © David Ausserhofer
Mathematics is one of the foundations of scientific and economic progress, essential for a great number of disciplines. In order to cope with the complex challenges facing our world, we need high-powered mathematical methods which cross over the boundaries between traditional areas of mathematics. It is precisely here that the Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure" comes into play - with a research programme which creates innovative new perspectives.

The research being undertaken is driven by around 200 researchers. ...
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