The call for proposals goes to doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors from Israel and the Palestinian territories
A fellowship programme at Heidelberg University for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors is available to researchers affected by the war in the Middle East. The fellowships - an initiative in the framework of the 4EU+ European University Alliance - will make it possible to spend one or several months on research leave in Heidelberg, continuing work towards an academic qualification, conducting or advancing a personal research project, or collaborating on a research project based at Ruperto Carola. Applications are to be made by the faculties, institutes and academic centres at Heidelberg University together with the host researchers. They can be submitted up until 31 March 2024.Eligible for a 4EU+ research fellowship are doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors from Israel and the Palestinian territories whose academic work is adversely affected by the war. The fellowships will be awarded for a period of up to three months. If the necessary prerequisites are met, they can be extended once by up to three months. The size of the monthly grants will depend on the academic qualifications of the candidates and amount to 1,700 euros for doctoral candidates and 2,300 euros for postdoctoral researchers and professors. A family allowance of up to 500 euros per month is likewise foreseen.
The fellowship programme is part of an initiative prompted by Heidelberg University on behalf of the 4EU+ European University Alliance, a transnational group of eight European research universities of which Heidelberg University is a founding member. Applications in German or English can be submitted by 31 March 2024 via email to and addressed to the 4EU+ Office
European Office of Heidelberg University. The applications will be assessed by a commission chaired by the Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity of Heidelberg University, Marc-Philippe Weller.