Results 121 - 140 of 622.
Physics - Materials Science - 14.06.2023
Fabrication of drop-etched quantum dots that glow in the optical C-band.
Researchers from the Department of Physics and the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) in Paderborn have successfully produced quantum dots - nanoscopic structures in which the quantum properties of matter come into play - that glow in the optical C-band at a wavelength between 1530 and 1565 nanometers as part of a project funded within the Collaborative Research Center/TRR 142.
Physics - 14.06.2023
A Model for Stopping Heavy Ions
Heidelberg physicists make new predictions about the collision of heavy ions at very high relativistic energies When two heavy ions collide at very high relativistic energies, they penetrate one another, during which they become excited and are slowed down. This "stopping" process can be generated experimentally, as demonstrated on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Europe's CERN research centre in Geneva (Switzerland).
Life Sciences - Physics - 07.06.2023
Structures enabling a rapid transmission of nerve impulses in insects
Team of neurobiologists from Münster University publish their findings on the evolution of the glial sheath and rapid transmission of signals in neurons An animal's brain consists of two different types of cell: neurons, which process and transmit information, and glial cells, which support the neurons in a variety of ways.
Physics - Electroengineering - 05.06.2023
Nonadiabatic tunneling is crucial for understanding high harmonic generation from semiconductors
Scientists reveal that nonadiabatic tunneling is crucial for understanding high harmonic generation from semiconductors When matter is exposed to highly intense electromagnetic radiation, nonlinearities of the material may lead to the emission of light that contains very high multiples of the incident frequency.
Physics - Materials Science - 29.05.2023
Let information flow faster - with light instead of electricity
Either 1 or 0. Either current flows or it does not. In electronics, everything is controlled via the binary system. Electrons already generate information quite fast and well, pass them on and take over various switching functions. But it can be done even faster. Paul Herrmann and Sebastian Klimmer from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena have proven that.
Physics - Chemistry - 26.05.2023
Emergence of solvated dielectrons observed for the first time
Team in conjunction with the University of Freiburg generates low-energy electrons using ultraviolet light Solvated dielectrons are the subject of many hypotheses among scientists, but have never been directly observed. They are described as a pair of electrons that is dissolved in liquids such as water or liquid ammonia.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 23.05.2023
Explosion in the Night Sky - First Brightness Measurements of Supernova SN2023ixf
Astronomers at the University of Potsdam have succeeded in making one of the world's first brightness measurements of the supernova SN2023ixf in the constellation Ursa Major, which was discovered only on Friday evening. It is the brightest detected outburst in more than ten years in the galaxy Messier 101.
Physics - Materials Science - 22.05.2023
ToCoTronics Extended
The Collaborative Research Centre ToCoTronics in condensed matter physics will be extended for four more years. The German Research Foundation is funding it with 12 million euros. Topological materials are intensively investigated in the world. This boom started at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg, where the physics professor Laurens Molenkamp realized the first topological insulator in 2007.
Physics - 22.05.2023
’Hightech’ materials from nature
Research team at Göttingen University discovers surprising properties of the cytoskeleton Most biological cells have a fixed place in an organism. However, cells can become mobile and move through the body. This happens, for example, during wound healing or when tumour cells divide uncontrollably and migrate through the body.
Physics - 15.05.2023
Simulation provides images from the carbon nucleus
International study with participation of the University of Bonn also provides new insights into the puzzling Hoyle state What does the inside of a carbon atom's nucleus look like? A new study by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Michigan State University (USA) and the University of Bonn provides the first comprehensive answer to this question.
Physics - 08.05.2023
New technique developed for quantum cryptography applications
Paderborn scientists publish results in scientific journal With the development of quantum computers, classical cryptography for secure communication threatens to become obsolete. Quantum cryptography, on the other hand, uses the laws of quantum mechanics to provide unrestricted security. One example is quantum key distribution, which allows two parties to secure a message using a random secret key.
Chemistry - Physics - 05.05.2023
Where the borders between disciplines become blurred
Chemistry and physics, traditionally separate disciplines, are intermeshed in nano-technology The area where physics and chemistry meet lies somewhere in the realm of the minute - in the nano range: where molecules react with one another and the laws of quantum mechanics hold sway. This is the area which physicist Dr. Harry Mönig visualises at the Center for Nanotechnology (CeNTech) - with an atomic force microscope and a dedicated technology perfected by himself and a Münster team.
Physics - Materials Science - 28.04.2023
More power from waste heat
When fossil fuels, but also biofuels, are burned, large amounts of the energy are lost as waste heat. Thermoelectric materials could convert this heat into electricity, but they are not yet efficient enough for technical application. A team from the Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung has now increased the efficiency of a thermoelectric material by elucidating the influence of the microstructure on the material and optimizing the material's properties by adding titanium.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 27.04.2023
Dark couple - Most massive touching stars ever found will eventually collide as black holes
Two massive touching stars in a neighbouring galaxy are on course to become black holes that will eventually crash together, generating waves in the fabric of space-time, according to a new study by researchers at University College London and the University of Potsdam. The study, accepted for publication in the journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics", looked at a known binary star (two stars orbiting around a mutual centre of gravity), analysing starlight obtained from a range of groundand space-based telescopes.
Chemistry - Physics - 27.04.2023
How Spheres Become Worms
A previously unknown form of hydrogel formation has been elucidated: chemists found unusual interactions between polymers. Hydrogels? Many people use these substances without knowing it. As superabsorbents in nappies, for example, hydrogels absorb a lot of liquid. In the process, the initially dry material becomes Jelly-like, but it does not wet.
Life Sciences - Physics - 27.04.2023
Wiggly proteins guard the genome
Tiny pores in the cell nucleus play an essential role for healthy aging by protecting and preserving the genetic material. A team in Germany from the Department of Theoretical Biophysics at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt am Main and the Synthetic Biophysics of Protein Disorder Group at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz has literally filled a hole in the understanding of the structure and function of these nuclear pores.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 25.04.2023
The digestive system of the mass monster M87
A few years ago, the image of an orange glowing donut caused a sensation. For the first time, researchers have captured an image of the immediate vicinity of a supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy M87. This galaxy is known for a jet that accelerates matter far out of the galaxy, driven by the central black hole.
Physics - Chemistry - 14.04.2023
How one photon becomes four charge carriers
Some materials convert photons into more free charges than would be expected. Using an ultrafast film, researchers have now been able to get a picture of this process. Physicists from the University of Würzburg were also involved. Photovoltaics, the conversion of light to electricity, is a key technology for sustainable energy.
Mathematics - Physics - 14.04.2023
’Learning from one another means we arrive at findings faster’
Hendrik Weber and Raimar Wulkenhaar from the -Mathematics Münster- Cluster of Excellence work together on mathematical solutions Excellent research is not possible without interdisciplinary working. But, even within one discipline, collaborations crossing the barriers between research areas can lead to new approaches and findings.
Physics - Chemistry - 12.04.2023
Quantum effects demonstrated in the collision of hydrogen molecules with noble gas atoms
A research team of Freie Universität Berlin has shown how hydrogen molecules behave quantum mechanically when they collide with noble gas atoms such as helium or neon. In the study published in the journal "Science," the scientists used simulations to establish a direct link between measurements of atoms and molecules taken in experiments and theoretical models; the study includes both theoretical calculations and data from experiments conducted at the Technical University of Dortmund and the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel).