Results 1 - 20 of 34.
Physics - Mathematics - 15.11.2024

Scientist from the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster proves conjecture from physics String theory aims to explain all fundamental forces and particles in the universe - essentially, how the world operates on the smallest scales. Though it has not yet been experimentally verified, work in string theory has already led to significant advancements in mathematics and theoretical physics.
Mathematics - 21.06.2024
New mathematical proof helps to solve equations with random components
Researcher at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics finds an approach that can be used flexibly Whether it's physical phenomena, share prices or climate models - many dynamic processes in our world can be described mathematically with the aid of partial differential equations. Thanks to stochastics - an area of mathematics which deals with probabilities - this is even possible when randomness plays a role in these processes.
Astronomy / Space - Mathematics - 19.01.2024

One year after the discovery image of the black hole M87*, improved observations of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration give a better picture showing a persistent black hole shadow. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration including scientists at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg has released a new image of M87*, the supermassive black hole residing at the heart of the galaxy Messier 87.
Mathematics - 18.08.2023

Together with the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Würzburg biology professor Chaitanya S. Gokhale has developed a mathematical model on population dynamics and evolution of herbicide resistance in perennial weeds. Weeds have always been a significant problem for agriculture. They compete with crops for resources such as light, water and nutrients, which can result in severe yield losses.
Computer Science - Mathematics - 26.06.2023

Making history with 42 digits: Scientists at Paderborn University and KU Leuven have unlocked a decades-old mystery of mathematics with the so-called ninth Dedekind number. Experts worldwide have been searching for the value since 1991. The Paderborn scientists arrived at the exact sequence of numbers with the help of the Noctua supercomputer located there.
Mathematics - Physics - 14.04.2023

Hendrik Weber and Raimar Wulkenhaar from the -Mathematics Münster- Cluster of Excellence work together on mathematical solutions Excellent research is not possible without interdisciplinary working. But, even within one discipline, collaborations crossing the barriers between research areas can lead to new approaches and findings.
Pharmacology - Mathematics - 12.12.2022
New Research Partnership Supports Early-Career Scientists in the Field of Drug Research
The doctoral program PharMetrX of Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Potsdam welcomes the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk as new partner PharMetrX - Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling, an interdisciplinary doctoral program of Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Potsdam, has gained its seventh international partner with the addition of the research-driven pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk.
Mathematics - Campus - 04.05.2022
Algorithm predicts which students will drop out of Math courses
In the subjects of science and technology, engineering and mathematics - known collectively as STEM subjects - up to 40 percent of students drop out of their studies in the entry phase. A research team from the University of Tübingen's Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences has now developed a statistical method that can be used to predict on average eight weeks in advance whether students will terminate their studies.
Physics - Mathematics - 22.11.2021

Light is used for various purposes in nowadays applications. For example, data can be transmitted with light and nanoscopic structures can be created by light. To enable such applications, light must be structured. To do this, its properties - intensity (brightness), phase (position in oscillation-cycle) and polarization (direction of the oscillation) - are "tailored".
Physics - Mathematics - 07.07.2021
Zeitabhängige Berechnung eines Bose-Einstein-Kondensats
The term Bose-Einstein condensate describes a state of matter in which atoms or elementary particles combine into a single quantum mechanical object during extreme cooling. Science does not yet fully understand exactly how these macroscopic states - beyond the confines of traditional physics - develop from a thermal atomic cloud in just a few milliseconds and when statistical equilibrium is reached, according to Georg Wolschin.
Pedagogy - Mathematics - 02.06.2021

Study on use of tablets in mathematics Low-achieving pupils benefit more in mathematics lessons from learning materials on tablet PCs than high-achieving children. They are obviously helped by individualized learning paths, immediate feedback and the hands-on processing of interactive content. This conclusion was reached in a study conducted by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) with sixth-grade students.
Mathematics - Life Sciences - 10.05.2021

Mathematicians find core mechanism to calculate tipping points Climate change, a pandemic or the coordinated activity of neurons in the brain: In all of these examples, a transition takes place at a certain point from the base state to a new state. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have discovered a universal mathematical structure at these so-called tipping points.
Mathematics - Research Management - 22.04.2021
ERC Advanced Grants for two research projects by Humboldt-Universität
Bernd U. Schipper from the Faculty of Theology and Bruno Klingler from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences receive a total of 4.3 million euros of funding Dr. Bernd U. Schipper, professor for History of Israel in its Ancient Near Eastern Context, and his team receive a total amount of 2.5 million euros for their project DEMBIB through an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council (ERC).
Mathematics - 06.03.2020

Mathematicians show that sound can be used to locate flat surfaces One drone, four microphones and a loudspeaker: nothing more is needed to determine the position of walls and other flat surfaces within a room. This has been mathematically proved by Prof. Gregor Kemper of the Technical University of Munich and Prof. Mireille Boutin of Purdue University in Indiana, USA.
Mathematics - 17.12.2019

From mobile phone photo to static calculations Cracks in the ankles of Michelangelo's David statue, damaged columns in the cistern of the Hagia Tekla Basilica: Are these ancient structures in danger of collapsing? Researchers at Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a new process that makes it possible to assess the mechanical condition of structures based on photographs.
Mathematics - Linguistics / Literature - 14.05.2019

Nowadays, Digital Humanities is a booming subject, but it has a long history. "Quantitative Literary Studies" at the University of Stuttgart investigates how computational methods have been used for the analysis and interpretation of language and literature since the early 19th century. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has now approved the continuation of the project.
Mathematics - Life Sciences - 11.03.2019

As different as the term "dynamic" is used and understood in science, so diverse are the research areas of the University of Münster, in which dynamic even plays a central role in the title. Prof. Christopher Deninger and Prof. Mario Ohlberger from the Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster", the lawyer Prof. Nils Jansen from the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" and the biochemist Prof. Lydia Sorokin from Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence explain what they understand by the term in their research.
Physics - Mathematics - 10.09.2018

Something everyone learns in Physics lessons at school is that light is refracted and reflected at the interface between air and water. The reason for this is the different refractive indices which the two mediums have - an optical property which is characteristic of each material. There are also materials with so-called negative refraction indices.
Mathematics - Physics - 06.08.2018
"No one can be this lucky": Mathematician Prof. Raimar Wulkenhaar talks about solving a seemingly unsolvable equation
After ten years, Prof. Raimar Wulkenhaar from the University of Münster's Mathematical Institute and his colleague Dr. Erik Panzer from the University of Oxford have solved a mathematical equation which was considered to be unsolvable. The equation is to be used to find answers to questions posed by elementary particle physics.
Life Sciences - Mathematics - 28.11.2017
Two Prestigious Grants from European Research Council for Freie Universität Berlin
ERC Consolidator Grants for Physicist Stephanie Reich and Computer Scientist Frank Noé No 332/2017 from Nov 28, 2017 Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin have been awarded two prestigious grants from the European Research Council (ERC). Physicist Stephanie Reich and computer scientist Frank Noé won ERC Consolidator Grants, as the ERC announced on Tuesday in Brussels.