Investigating Collective Action

Sustainability research: Wolfram Barfuss appointed new Argelander professor at the University of Bonn

Wolfram Barfuss - is the new Argelander Professor in the Transdisciplinary Resea
Wolfram Barfuss - is the new Argelander Professor in the Transdisciplinary Research Area ’Sustainable Futures’ at the University of Bonn. © Gregor Hübl / University of Bonn all images in original size .
How can people work together to forge new, environmentally sustainable paths in a complex system? This is the question being tackled by Jun.- Wolfram Barfuss, the new Argelander professor in the Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA Sustainable Futures) at the University of Bonn. He is developing mathematical models for collective learning and linking different research areas, including complex systems, artificial intelligence and social ecology, in order to identify key levers for easing the transition to sustainability. ...
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