news 2022
Researchers control individual light quanta at very high speed
Additive manufacturing in-flight
New Battery Line for Processing of Lithium Metal at MEET Battery Research Center
Using quantum technology to ensure low-noise microphones
Saving Resources with Precision Agriculture
3D printed, bioinspired heart valves
Amazon and Max Planck Society establish Science Hub
Early urbanism found in the Amazon
Toys and furniture from popcorn
Physicists study optically induced quantum dynamics in single-photon emitters
New process enables 3D printing of small and complex components made of glass in just a few minutes
Orangutans show pre-requisites for stone tool technologies
TU Ilmenau develops resource-efficient energy distribution network for Germany
New technology for clinical CT scans
Virtual tours make pig farming more transparent
Collaborative research project on quantum technology starts on the International Space Station
New Technology For Compact 3D Laser Nanoprinters
Results 1 - 18 of 18.
Physics - Innovation - 21.11.2022

A team of German and Spanish researchers from Valencia, Münster, Augsburg, Berlin and Munich have succeeded in controlling individual light quanta to an extremely high degree of precision. In the "Nature Communications" journal, the researchers report how, by means of a soundwave, they switch individual photons on a chip back and forth between two outputs at gigahertz frequencies.
Innovation - Microtechnics - 22.09.2022

3D printing drones work like bees to build and repair structures Additive manufacturing in-flight An international team of researchers have created a fleet of bee-inspired flying 3D printers for building and repairing structures in-flight. The technology could ultimately be used for manufacturing and building in difficult-to-access or dangerous locations such as tall buildings or help with post-disaster relief construction, say the researchers.
Materials Science - Innovation - 09.08.2022

Lithium metal and solid-state batteries are considered as batteries of the future. While scientists continue to develop the technology of the different battery types, their production still involves numerous challenges. A new production line at MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster now enables cell construction of these new battery types and expands production research at the site.
Physics - Innovation - 20.06.2022

Use of quantum light leads to a significant improvement in signal-to-noise ratio [Picture: PI 3 / Florian Kaiser] Whether it's an online conference or a hearing aid, a high noise level in the microphones used, or significant background noise will disrupt any conversation, and better microphones are urgently needed.
Agronomy / Food Science - Innovation - 03.06.2022

Developing Sustainable Agriculture and Saving Resources with New Measurement Techniques Using smart sensor and measurement techniques to make farming more efficient and sustainable is the goal of a team of researchers at TUM. The core idea of precision agriculture is simple: The more farmers know about soil conditions, the weather, and plants and animals, the better they can adapt their decisions to the circumstances.
Health - Innovation - 02.06.2022

Researchers have developed 3D printed artificial heart valves designed to allow a patient's own cells to form new tissue. To form these scaffolds using melt electrowriting - an advanced additive manufacturing technique - the team has created a new fabrication platform that enables them to combine different precise, customized patterns and hence to fine-tune the scaffold's mechanical properties.
Computer Science - Innovation - 27.05.2022

The cooperation strengthens application-related research on artificial intelligence in Germany Amazon and the Max Planck Society today announced the establishment of the first German Science Hub in Tübingen. The main goal of this science cooperation is to advance research in Germany in subfields of artificial intelligence (AI), in particular causality, computer vision and machine learning, to develop secure and trustworthy concepts for the future and thus to strengthen Germany as a technology location.
History / Archeology - Innovation - 25.05.2022

Archaeologists reveal pre-Hispanic cities in Bolivia with laser technology LIDAR Several hundred settlements from the time between 500 and 1400 AD lie in the Bolivian Llanos de Mojos savannah and have fascinated archaeologists for years. Researchers from the German Archaeological Institute, the University of Bonn and the University of Exeter have now visualized the dimensions of the largest known settlement of the so-called Casarabe culture.
Innovation - Environment - 17.05.2022

Forest scientists at Göttingen University develop environmentally friendly products from renewable raw materials Forest scientists at the University of Göttingen have long been researching sustainable and efficient processes to make products from popcorn granulate. There are many uses for these products: from packaging to insulating panels for building insulation .
Physics - Innovation - 11.05.2022

For tomorrow's quantum technologies: hexagonal boron nitride under the magnifying glass / findings published in -Optica- Quantum technologies are a seminal field of research, especially in relation to their application in communication and computing. In particular, the so-called single-photon emitters - materials that emit single light quanta in quick sequence - are an important building block for such applications.
Innovation - Materials Science - 19.04.2022

Scientists combine materials science invention with newly developed 3D printing technology Because of its outstanding transparency as well as its stability in contact with heat or chemicals, glass is relevant for many high-tech applications. However, conventional processes for shaping glass are often tedious, energy-intensive and quickly reach their limits for small and complicated components.
Agronomy / Food Science - Innovation - 07.04.2022
’Vertical farming will play a role in future food production’
Alternative production systems to provide the growing global population with healthy, nutritious and sustainably produced foodstuffs are currently gaining considerable attention. In this interview, Senthold Asseng, Professor of Digital Agriculture at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), discusses the concept of vertical farming, which will allow agriculture of the future to take place under fully controlled and automated conditions.
Life Sciences - Innovation - 16.02.2022

Basic skills for using stone tools may be more widespread among primates than we previously thought: A study led by researchers from the University of Tübingen in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the University of Barcelona shows that orangutans spontaneously recognize and use human-made sharp stones as cutting tools.
Innovation - Electroengineering - 11.02.2022

In the spirit of the energy transition, TU Ilmenau is developing a resource-efficient power distribution grid for Germany. Such a power grid, based on direct current technology, will be specifically tailored to the increasing use of renewable energy generated in a large number of decentralized plants and will offer significantly higher operational reliability than the current grid.
Innovation - Physics - 08.02.2022

Prototype of a clinical CT device combines dark-field X-ray and conventional technology For the first time, a team of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has integrated the dark-field X-ray method into a CT scanner suitable for clinical use. Dark-field imaging provides additional information to conventional X-ray imaging.
Innovation - Agronomy / Food Science - 02.02.2022

University of Göttingen researchers investigate use of virtual reality glasses and tablet screens Many people would like to see better animal welfare and transparency in livestock farming. In recent years, agriculture has increasingly tried to be more open, for example through farm tours. Even though farm tours are well received or appreciated by the public, they are not really feasible for the vast majority of people because of hygiene requirements or accessibility.
Physics - Innovation - 02.02.2022

BECCAL will allow experiments to be conducted on board the ISS using ultracold atoms for fundamental research and for the development of quantum sensors of the future In early December 2021, the project "Development of a laser system for experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates on the International Space Station within the BECCAL payload (BECCAL-II)" commenced, with the involvement of a team of researchers led by Professor Patrick Windpassinger and Dr. André Wenzlawski from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).
Physics - Innovation - 12.01.2022

Research work in the joint "3D Matter Made to Order" Cluster of Excellence of Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Lasers in today's generation of laser printers for paper printouts are very small. In contrast, devices that can print three-dimensional microand nanostructures still require large and expensive laser systems.