news 2019
Crane control by touchscreen
Why forgetting at work can be a good thing
Results 1 - 5 of 5.
Economics - 17.12.2019
Social status beats money
If a lie would be bad for their image, people are more likely to ignore financial incentives People are more honest when talking about topics involving high-status knowledge. A new study in the field of behavioral economics shows that this is true even if they have a financial incentive to lie. Questions of trust become more important in business as it becomes more and more difficult to assess statements on increasingly difficult technologies.
Economics - 23.09.2019
![Crane control by touchscreen](/news/2019/crane_control_by_touchscreen-2019-tum/image_h200.jpg)
Almost every youngster has dreamed of being able to operate a giant crane. Until now, operating the heavy machines has been extremely complicated. Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now developed concepts for intuitive crane control that make operations seem as easy as child's play.
Economics - 16.04.2019
How Looking Affects Consumer Decisions
Findings published by a team of researchers from Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin in cooperation with the Berlin Social Science Center and Ohio State University No 100/2019 from Apr 16, 2019 Everyday decisions, like which product to buy from the shelf at the store, depend on how much time a person spends gazing at an item beforehand, according to a study.
Economics - 12.03.2019
Why Businesses Should React Quickly to Negative Publicity from Endorsers
An Economic Study Conducted by Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Connecticut No 054/2019 from Mar 12, 2019 According to a study, the market value of a company can rise if it reacts quickly to negative publicity from a celebrity endorser. The study by Professor Sascha Raithel from Freie Universität Berlin and Professor Stefan J. Hock from the University of Connecticut shows that if a company responds to an endorser's gaffe within 72 hours, their market value can increase by 2.1% over the next four weeks of trading.
Economics - Psychology - 07.02.2019
![Why forgetting at work can be a good thing](/news/2019/why_forgetting_at_work_can_be_a_good_thing-2019-uni-muenster/image_h200.jpg)
The amount of information and data which workers find themselves confronted with every day has increased enormously over the past few years. Globalisation and digitalisation have led to a steady increase in the complexity of work and business processes. Anything that is up-to-date today can already be outdated tomorrow.