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Physics - Environment - 20.05.2019
Carbon Dioxide As Geothermometer
For the first time it is possible to measure, simultaneously and with extreme precision, four rare molecular variants of carbon dioxide (CO2) using a novel laser instrument. It is thus able to measure the temperature during the formation of CO2-binding carbonates and carbonaceous fossils completely independently of other parameters.

History / Archeology - Computer Science - 17.05.2019
Historian Prof. Torsten Hiltmann aims to make use of machine learning for medieval research
Historian Prof. Torsten Hiltmann aims to make use of machine learning for medieval research
Centuries-old manuscripts, documents and heraldic images: at first glance, medieval research and artificial intelligence seem to be a contradiction in terms. After all, historical studies and the like were long seen as being subjects greatly removed from the world of IT. However, methods such as machine learning on the part of computer programmes, which learn new things and correct themselves, open up new opportunities for historians doing research.

Sport - 17.05.2019
Pioneer of Modern Science
Pioneer of Modern Science
Research team of sport psychologists unravels the role of auditory perception in tennis Exceeding noise levels of 100 decibels, the grunting sounds produced by some tennis players when hitting the ball are on a par with motorbikes or chainsaws. While fans react to these impressive exhalations with either annoyance or amusement, the habit has also been a source of intense debate among professionals.

Earth Sciences - Chemistry - 16.05.2019
Geologists discover previously unknown region of the Earth's mantle
Geologists discover previously unknown region of the Earth’s mantle
The Bermuda Islands - a very special terrain in the middle of the western Atlantic Ocean, not only for its white beaches, but also because the archipelago is at the top of a 4,570-metre high volcano that died out about 30 million years ago. An international team of researchers has now taken a closer look at this geological peculiarity and geochemically examined the magma rock under Bermuda for the first time.

Life Sciences - Environment - 15.05.2019
The Biointelligence Competence Center is gathering momentum
The Biointelligence Competence Center is gathering momentum
Since the beginning of the year, 40 representatives from renowned research facilities in the Stuttgart region have been working together at the Biointelligence Competence Center to design the paradigm shift of Biological Transformation. The first Biointelligent Products and Production - the Sustainable Industrial Revolution conference took place on the 15 May, where the scientists from the "Biolintelligence Competence Center" submitted their appeal to politicians.

Environment - Astronomy / Space - 14.05.2019
EUMETSAT, Japanese space agency to cooperate on greenhouse gas monitoring
EUMETSAT and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) today signed an agreement which will result in the agencies working closely together to monitor greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Mr Kazuo Tachi, on behalf of the Direc tor General of JAXA's Space Technology Directorate 1 Ryoichi Imai, and EUMETSAT Director-General Alain Ratier signed the agreement at a ceremony at EUMETSAT's Darmstadt headquarters today.

Mathematics - Linguistics / Literature - 14.05.2019
From "counting words" to the Digital Humanities
Nowadays, Digital Humanities is a booming subject, but it has a long history. "Quantitative Literary Studies" at the University of Stuttgart investigates how computational methods have been used for the analysis and interpretation of language and literature since the early 19th century. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has now approved the continuation of the project.

Physics - 14.05.2019
Digital Quantum Simulators Can Be Astonishingly Robust
Heidelberg Researchers investigate "error bound" that limits usable simulations In solving quantum-physical problems in many-body systems, such as predicting material properties, conventional computers rapidly reach the limits of their capacity. Digital quantum simulators might help, but until now they are drastically limited to small systems with few particles and only short simulation times.

Life Sciences - Pharmacology - 14.05.2019
Second grant to bring research to market
05/14/2019 Getting an accurate picture of the real-time transcriptional activity of a cell: This is the goal of a new research project at the University of Würzburg which is funded by the European Research Council. If you paid attention during biology lessons, you may remember that genetic information in human cells is contained in the cell nucleus as a DNA double helix.

Physics - 09.05.2019
Computing faster with quasi-particles
Computing faster with quasi-particles
In collaboration with researchers from Harvard University, researchers from the University of Würzburg have made an important step on the road to topological quantum computers. Now, they present their findings in the renowned scientific journal Nature. Majorana particles are very peculiar members of the family of elementary particles.

Life Sciences - Computer Science - 08.05.2019
Researchers take a step towards light-based, brain-like computing chip
Researchers take a step towards light-based, brain-like computing chip
New light-based hardware which can store and process information in a similar way to the human brain / Study published in "Nature" journal A technology that functions like a brain? In these times of artificial intelligence, this no longer seems so far-fetched - for example, when a mobile phone can recognise faces or languages.

Physics - 08.05.2019
Quantum Technology: Observation of a unique quantum state of matter
Quantum Technology: Observation of a unique quantum state of matter
Researchers from the University of Stuttgart and from the Institut d'optique in Palaiseau have explored a unique state of matter, a so-called topological phase. Such a topologicial phase is the ground state of a quantum many-body system and exhibits unique properties.

Life Sciences - Physics - 07.05.2019
Trigger for directed cell motion
When an individual cell is placed on a level surface, it does not keep still, but starts moving. This phenomenon was observed by the British cell biologist Michael Abercrombie as long ago as 1967. Since then, researchers have been thriving to understand how cells accomplish this feat. This much is known: cells form so-called lamellipodia - cellular protrusions that continuously grow and contract - to propel themselves towards signalling cues such as chemical attractants produced and secreted by other cells.

Social Sciences - 29.04.2019
New Provenance Research Project on National Socialist Period
Art collection of a Jewish manufacturer being studied at Freie Universität Berlin No 113/2019 from Apr 29, 2019 The German Lost Art Foundation has approved a new research project at Freie Universität Berlin designed to reconstruct the art collection of the toy manufacturer, collector, and patron Abraham Adelsberger (1863-1940).

Environment - 26.04.2019
Wax helps plants to survive in the desert
Wax helps plants to survive in the desert
04/26/2019 The leaves of date palms can heat up to temperatures around 50 degrees Celsius. They survive thanks to a unique wax mixture that is essential for the existence in the desert. In 1956, the Würzburg botanist Otto Ludwig Lange observed an unusual phenomenon in the Mauritanian desert in West Africa: he found plants whose leaves could heat up to 56 degrees Celsius.

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 24.04.2019
Astroparticle physicists observe the longest half-life ever directly measured
Astroparticle physicists observe the longest half-life ever directly measured
The universe is almost 14 billion years old. An inconceivable length of time by human standards - yet compared to some physical processes, it is but a moment. There are radioactive nuclei that decay on much longer time scales. An international team of scientists has now directly measured the rarest decay process ever recorded in a detector.

Earth Sciences - Paleontology - 24.04.2019
Dr. Benjamin Bomfleur on finding a reptile footprint in the Antarctic
Dr. Benjamin Bomfleur on finding a reptile footprint in the Antarctic
Around three years ago, researchers on an Antarctic expedition, including Münster University palaeobotanist Dr. Benjamin Bomfleur , made an incredible discovery in northern Victoria Land. They found the 200 million-year-old footprint of an extinct reptile. The researchers have now published their findings from the hand-sized footprint in the journal "Polar Research".

Materials Science - 23.04.2019
Influence of the cathode on the lithium metal anode
The demand for high-energy batteries, in particular for the automotive industry, is increasing, and with it the research interest in battery technologies, which could determine the future market. A promising technology are secondary lithium metal batteries (LMBs), which combine lithium metal as an anode with, for example, cathode materials containing lithium ions.

Astronomy / Space Science - Earth Sciences - 16.04.2019
Was Our Primeval Sun Hyperactive?
Was Our Primeval Sun Hyperactive?
Shortly after its birth, our Sun was probably a very turbulent, hyperactive star. This is indicated by geoscientific analyses of rock inclusions from a meteorite originating in our early Solar System. In those inclusions, researchers from Heidelberg University detected decay products of a very short-lived radioactive isotope that can only have been generated by an intense burst of radiation from the nascent young Sun.

Economics - 16.04.2019
How Looking Affects Consumer Decisions
Findings published by a team of researchers from Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin in cooperation with the Berlin Social Science Center and Ohio State University No 100/2019 from Apr 16, 2019 Everyday decisions, like which product to buy from the shelf at the store, depend on how much time a person spends gazing at an item beforehand, according to a study.
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