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Faculty Position in Neuromodulation | |
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Arbeitsort | Lausanne, Genfersee Region, Schweiz |
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The Schools of Engineering (STI), Life Sciences (SV) and Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) at EPFL invite applications for a tenure-track assistant faculty position to hold the Medtronic chair in Neuromodulation within the Neuro X Institute.
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Kontakt und AdresseThe application package should include the following documents in pdf format: cover letter including a statement of motivation; curriculum vitae; publication list; research statement (max 3 pages); statement of teaching interests (max 1 page); as well as the names and contact of three to five references who are ready to supply a letter upon request.
Application deadline: 15 December 2024 Applications should be uploaded to the EPFL recruitment page: Inquiries can be addressed to: Prof. Stéphanie P. Lacour Director of the Neuro X Institute Chair of the Search Committee E-mail: i Further information on EPFL and Neuro X is available at and EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It strongly encourages women to apply. | |
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Bitte beziehen Sie sich bei Ihrer Bewerbung auf und die Referenz JobID 201321. |