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Faculty Position in Cancer Bioengineering

ArbeitsortLausanne, Genfersee Region, Schweiz

The School of Life Sciences of EPFL (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) invites applications for a

tenure track assistant professor position in the field of Cancer Bioengineering.

This search is part of major initiatives in the Lake Geneva region to promote cancer research, which is increasingly driven by integrating research from different fields ranging from basic sciences (life sciences, physics, chemistry, computing and engineering) to clinical research and treatment.

Ihre Aufgaben

The successful candidate will join the faculty of the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC); develop an independent internationally prominent research program in the broad domain of cancer research; commit to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and supervise Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows.

We are looking for candidates with core expertise and experience in any bioengineering-related area, including but not limited to tissue engineering, synthetic biology, chemical biology, material sscience, drug design, computational biology, and instrumentation development. Their future research proposal must have a strong cancer research focus.

The successful candidate will be a part of EPFL’s cancer research institute (ISREC), and is expected to perform and coordinate highly interactive biomedical research, reaching out and taking advantage of EPFL’s interdisciplinary campus (Schools of Basic Sciences, Engineering, and Information and Communication Technologies) and its involvement in the multi-institutional Swiss Cancer Center Leman, which brings together EPFL, the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, and clinical and translational research components of the University Hospitals of Lausanne and Geneva.

Kontakt und Adresse

Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications (annotated to indicate the candidate’s contributions) a synopsis of major accomplishments, and a concise statement of future research agenda and teaching interests, along with the contacts of 3 - 5 referees who are ready to supply their letter upon request. Applications should be uploaded as PDF files to the recruitment web site: ition/42303490

Formal evaluation of candidates will begin on January 9, 2023, and continue until the position is filled.

Enquiries may be sent to:

Prof. Elisa Oricchio
Search Committee Chair

For additional information on EPFL, the ISREC institute and the school of life sciences, please consult:,,

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and family friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It strongly encourages women to apply.


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